What does Putin want What role does NATO play From

What does Putin want? What role does NATO play? From the oligarchs to the Donbass 10 questions to understand the war

There are debates on TV, but not everything seems clear on some issues, especially the reasons that led to them Russia to penetrate Ukraine. Nationalist motivations are very strong on both fronts, but it is perhaps worth clarifying how the propaganda uses them. Here are some answers that may help you understand.

Why is Putin talking about the need to denazify Ukraine?

In so doing, the Russian President is capitalizing on a strong mood that exists in Russia and which is evoking the mood that was the basis of the bitter struggle that the Russians waged in World War II to stop the Third Reich. In reality, the main neofascist party, Svoboda, garnered just over two percent of the vote in the 2019 political elections. That is marginal compared to the steadfastness of the parties that won the elections less than three years ago and led Volodomyr Zelenskyy to the presidency.

Shadow mediator Abramovich in Istanbul: private conversation with Erdogan between poison and suspicion. And in postwar Russia it can play a role

What is the Azov battalion?

A questionable militia made up of volunteers who, despite having a few hundred members, were incorporated into the army shortly before the war. It was born shortly after the war Crimea 2014 to disband the then Ukrainian army. A paramilitary group of nationalists and proNazis that has been fighting proRussian secessionists and “green men, i.e. undocumented Russian Federation troops, in Donbass since 2014.

What is Wagner?

A private military company, a network of mercenaries in the service of Putin, who took part in various conflicts in Syria, Libya, Mali, Central African Republic and also in Donbass. According to the New York Times, it is managed and paid for by Russia’s Defense Ministry and said to be owned by Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozin. She is currently also involved in Ukraine.

Why are Chechen troops fighting in Ukraine?

The war in Chechnya was the first test of Putin. The Kadyvrotsy are a paramilitary group led by Chechnya’s governor Ramson Kadyrov, which has been accused by many factions of being responsible for war crimes. Already in 2014 they fought in the Crimean War in Donbass. I am made up of 10,000 to 70,000 men, depending on need. They would be tasked with killing President Zelenskyy with the support of the FSB, Russia’s secret service created from the ashes of the KGB.

Is it true that Putin attacked Ukraine because Kyiv joined NATO?

The thesis of the encirclement of Russia is also dismissed by some Western analysts, but it is completely unfounded. there Born it never expanded due to annexations or military operators. All states that have joined it have done so voluntarily, often after a specific referendum. On the other hand, it is true that Russia’s increasingly aggressive policies have prompted many former eastern countries that formed the famous “Iron Curtain” to seek defensive alliances.

Is it true that Putin regrets the power politics of the Soviet Union?

The end of World War II was not a liberation for many Eastern European countries and was seen after the collapse of the Soviet Union. of Russia Putinafter a brief flirtation with Europe and NATO, itself fell into an authoritarian and propaganda spiral in which the glory of Russia’s historic mission replaced the winds of democracy and economic progress.

Enforced disappearances, dissidents, chemical killings have increased, and nationalist rhetoric has merged with the religious rhetoric of Patriarch Kirillin, who has embraced Putin’s “project” of “national cleansing.”

Can Ukraine join NATO?

The alliance has always emphasized its open character, but the promise made in the 2008 Bucharest accords has always remained a dead letter precisely because the West refused to provide Moscow with any excuses. Zelensky only recently has he ruled it out, but before Ukraine’s president, important countries, like Germany itself, had been keen to rule out Ukraine’s entry into an alliance in which everyone needs the green light to join. However, Putin continued to use this argument as an internal propaganda theme. On the other hand, before the Russian intervention in Donbass, 20% of Ukrainian citizens were in favor of joining NATO.

But was there genocide in Donbass, as the Russians say?

She rules out an OSCE mission that has been active in southern Ukraine since 2014. Evidence has never been presented by Moscow, although the war has never stopped since 2014. Discrimination activities against the Russian component do not occur, unless Kiev’s decision to impose Ukrainian as the national language is to be considered as such.

Who are the oligarchs?

Business people near Kremlin. The most important ones surveyed by English newspapers are around 35 and have assets of 15 billion euros. They became and are getting rich through the unregulated privatization of Soviet state assets. A dome of political power and money, which, however, owes everything to Vladimir Putin and to which, according to dissident Navalny, they pay large sums. After the sanctions, many of them shifted their interests to Turkey and Dubai.

When does Putin’s mandate end?

With the constitutional reform passed in a referendum in 2020, Putin has secured two more mandates in the middle of the pandemic because the precedents are considered overturned. She could stay in power until 2036 or up to 84 years, accumulating a total of 36 years of absolute government.