What each zodiac sign can expect in the last week

What each zodiac sign can expect in the last week of December according to the Tarot

Happy holidays to everyone and have a very nice week everyone. The week in question is December 25th to 31st and it is the very last week of 2023. Oh what a year it has been, that's why it's a good idea to wrap things up for all zodiac signs with a card tarot reading. Will this week bring us closure? Are we starting the new year with a good feeling?

We all know that in each of our ways we have had a lifelong experience in this one year alone. The world has shown us that we must learn to turn inward to find comfort, since there is very little of it offered “out there.” We have seen the storylines of the dramas and they all seem to be about the “end of the world”.

So when all we are fed is doom and gloom, it is up to us to create a personal place of peace for ourselves and our loved ones. It's not always easy, but we as humans are not 100% corrupt, as the media and the entertainment we watch have repeatedly led us to believe. We are greater than the sum of our parts, and in this final week of the year we will turn to the tarot in search of deeper meaning.

Weekly Tarot Horoscope for December 25th – 31st, 2023:


(March 21 – April 19)

Tarot card: The hanged men

During the week of December 25-31, 2023, you will be the person in your circle who maintains hope and the thought that this whole thing can only get better. You are fully prepared to be laughed at, and you already know that not everyone is on your side. You see it one way and you see it another, and since your path seems promising and positive, you are only too happy to stay the course and carry on as you wish.

You've understood the big lesson of the year and for you that means: If you want to stay positive and optimistic, you need the support of your employees. You can no longer associate with those who try to put you down just because you see things from a positive perspective. It's lonely at the top, as they say, but you'd rather be where you can see the light, and that's how this week is going for you.

Keywords of the week: Optimism, perspective, opinion

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 29th, 30th, 31st. Your incredible attitude will pay off these days and you will find that you are not as alone as you thought when it comes to lighting a torch in the name of love. You have friends and family to share the good with, and you are grateful for that.

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(April 20 – May 20)

Tarot card: Ten of Pentacles

Whatever comes your way this last week of the year, December 25th to 31st, it's all about believing in the idea that you'll be rich next year. You may not have a plan, but you have an idea of ​​how to start with a plan, and for now, that's good enough for you. You are tired of “wanting” and want to enter a new year full of optimism and be able to create wealth in abundance.

Even if you know that this week is all about family, parties and fun, feel free to take part. Still, you have your eyes on the prize sincerely, and access to that prize only begins with the start of the new year. You feel electrically charged, like you're so focused on making a lot of money next year that it's like a current running through your body. You know where you want to go, and the journey there will be just as exciting.

Keywords of the week: Wealth, accumulation, decision

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st. Days where you can put yourself in a frenzied state of positivity are days that you will truly enjoy experiencing and where you will not be alone. Your amazingly positive attitude will attract supporters and loved ones, so expect only the highest.

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(May 21 – June 20)

Tarot card: Knight of Pentacles, reversed

During the week of December 25-31, you will see that it is better to listen to the advice of experts and that you will definitely do more of it in 2024. In this last week of the year you've done a lot of things wrong, and you can now see where you went wrong. They see it and therefore can fix it. This is what you will do as soon as 2024 begins. This has a lot to do with money and finances.

Even though your love life still has its ups and downs, you will find that you are pretty secure this week and that you will share all the parties and events you attend with your romantic partner. You'll know not to rush the time, and this will allow you to take it easy this week. You will manage to “right the wrongs” next year and you promise yourself that.

Keywords of the week: Miscommunication, investment, mistakes

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 28th, 31st. Get ready to be surprised by love during this period because on these days you seem to get along very well with the person you love, so much so that you will notice a new kind of romance Air. You can take this with you into next year.

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(June 21st – July 22nd)

Tarot card: Three of Pentacles, reversed

It's a balancing act for you when it comes to spending money and having fun, and since it's the last week of the year, you'll find that from December 25th to 31st, most of your activity will consist of: Hanging out with friends and doing things is a bit wild in the “fun” department. Not too crazy, but just enough to know that this is indeed the week you choose fun over stress, and in your case, Cancer, that's a big undertaking.

You may feel like you're getting inspired too, even if you can't implement it until next year, but that's okay too. This card shows you that you are capable of creating a new life for yourself, and even though it won't manifest this week, the creative thoughts you harbor have potential. You feel strong and motivated and you don't let yourself down. In a way, this week is all about “next week.”

Keywords of the week: Pride, creativity, ego

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 31. While all days of the week have their place in your memory, you will know in your heart that the last day of the year is the most important date for you this week. Then you gather all your courage and decide that next year will be the best year ever.

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(July 23rd – August 22nd)

Tarot card: Justice, vice versa

Here you find yourself in a situation where you realize unequivocally that you have not achieved what you wanted this year. While that sounds huge, it's actually just another lesson you need to reinforce in the “I got it” files. You got it and will be thinking about your next strategy during the week of December 25th-31st. You want success, and this week you realize that you had to go through this particular “failure” to achieve the success you believe is waiting for you in the future.

While there will be parties and gatherings with friends and family from December 25th to 31st, there will also be a lot of deep reflection. You realize you can't “speed things up,” but that's okay because you've learned that patience is an important part of the game of life. You will change your situation for the better and you know it. In this last week of the year, you fully believe in yourself.

Keywords of the week: Reversal, compensation, restoration

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 28th, 30th. Everything is fine for you because these days show you that you haven't lost anything that wasn't worth losing. On these days you feel particularly courageous and can look forward to creative and productive communication during this time.

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(August 23 – September 22)

Tarot card: Three of Swords

A lot has happened for you in the past year, and as you move from one year to the next, you spend a lot of time thinking about what happened and what might be the reason for it. This week you will understand that everything in your life has a purpose, and although sometimes you wish these lessons weren't so hard, you also realize that this is the only way you can learn them.

You've seen heartache and pain this year, and if there's one thing you “get” during the week of December 25-31, it's this – here you are. “I’m still standing,” Elton John once sang. And you're still standing, Virgo. Knowing your resilience contributes to the flame of your newfound strength. You are as strong as you believe, and although you don't need any more humiliating tests of strength, you know that you can survive anything that comes your way.

Keywords of the week: Realization, heartbreak, perseverance

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 29th, 30th, 31st. You won't go down and no one on this earth will convince you that you're not a budding superstar. These dates show you that you are capable of rising above almost anything and that only positive aspects await you in the new year.

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(September 23rd – October 22nd)

Tarot card: Ace of Wands, reversed

This year has led to this very week, from December 25th to 31st, and in this last week of the year you will clearly see that you cannot continue at this pace and make the same mistakes over and over again. You've made a few mistakes this year, Libra, and you may have even had fun making those mistakes. They have led you to the point where you realize that you are overdoing it and out of control.

This is the week to stop a certain behavior. You know that come 2024 you won't behave a certain way, and you don't understand why you should behave badly in this last week of the year. They've already learned the lesson and don't have the attitude of “be naughty for another week, please” – enough with the excess, enough with the bad behavior. You've lost enough of yourself over the year. They see no point in devoting another week to a lost cause.

Keywords of the week: Determination, order, finality

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 28th, 31st. This last day of the year is especially important for you as you feel that it is full of power and majesty. On these days, you embody the strength of your convictions and set the tone for your future during this time.

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(October 23rd – November 21st)

Tarot card: The Wizard

As the world around you focuses on the holidays and the end of the year, you may find that this is the week to devote yourself to all things spiritual. You've seen enough of the partying and the hustle and bustle, and there's something about the last week of the year that forces you to slow down. You may find yourself entering a state of withdrawal; You want to be alone with your thoughts.

The next year is a beautiful prospect for you and you can imagine that it will bring you much success in terms of love, money and health. However, you may want to remain “low-key” this week as you feel more comfortable working with the unseen world, which means focusing on spiritual practices rather than celebration and celebration. You'll have plenty of it next year if you want, but December 25-31 is all about “retreating.”

Keywords of the week: Manifestation, projection, ability

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 26th, 27th. Maybe you can turn all the days of this week into something magical, but on these days you will feel an auspicious “surge”. What you set out to do becomes your reality and you know it and intend it these days.

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(November 22nd – December 21st)

Tarot card: Five of Pentacles, reversed

If you're asked what you're going to do this week, you'll most likely say, “Work as usual.” You won't mind, because it's part of the routine you've established over the past year. Work ethic is what you're all about, and while others tell you to relax or unwind, you feel like the work is relaxing for you because it pays you what you need: money. Money and effort are very important to you, and you don't mind leaving the year with this greeting.

You can go to a party and have a good time, but there's a very good chance that when the ball drops on New Year's Eve, you'll be at home in bed having a good time while watching some great shows on TV. You don't feel the need to be around people, although you do appreciate their company if they happen to pass by. But stand firm, because this week, December 25th to 31st, is really just another week for you.

Keywords of the week: Effort, effort, reward

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 26th, 29th. You'll be happy to know that you can laugh at yourself on these days because you're the only person who isn't totally involved in a party or event. Maybe next year, you tell yourself, but generally speaking, you're just happy being YOU right now.

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(December 22nd – January 19th)

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Tarot card: Knight of Cups

This is a particularly beautiful and loving week for you, and you will see that you and your love partner are on the same path from December 25th to 31st, which means that you both want “everything to go well”. You are a sociable person and will likely get a strong kick out of the holiday spirit. Giving is a big part of the week, and you don't mind being the person nominated to complete all the tasks because you enjoy being able to help everyone in your life.

This year has brought so many positive messages to your life, and you feel like you want to end the year thinking about being an example of kindness to the people in your life that you love. They are there with kind words and a generous attitude. You don't turn anyone away and you feel like you want to continue to develop this charitable side of your nature in the coming year. From December 25th to 31st, 2023, you will feel happy and humble.

Keywords of the week: Love, message, communication

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 28th, 29th. You feel so good all week long, but on these days you feel like you're burning with positive energy. The New Year is here for you to reflect on and welcome. These are the days when you feel most comfortable.

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(January 20th – February 18th)

Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles

Suppose there is one thing that you don't care about. In this case, it will be exposed, which means that you will be annoyed if someone asks you for something that you are not ready to give, and from December 25th to 31st you will make sure that you do not give anyone the chance to get yours to achieve the dream. Your will or desire to do things your way, and without their opinion. All in all, this is still a very good week for you, and that's largely because you've found it within yourself to be able to say “no.”

Even if you end up spending a lot of money on yourself, you feel like you don't have to show off with this kind of super indulgence. You don’t want to be judged just because you CAN take care of yourself. During the week of December 25th to 31st, you will feel content and hopeful because you have finally learned that you don't owe anyone an explanation for how you “work.”

Keywords of the week: Wealth, pleasure, elitism

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th and 29th. During this time, you will decide that everything you believed in is actually your destiny and that 2024 is about getting exactly what you want, down to the smallest details.

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(February 19th – March 20th)

Tarot card: The High Priestess, vice versa

This week you've discussed so many reasons why you don't feel successful, and while you may have hit the jackpot financially, you feel like you've really made a few wrong moves when it comes to love and friendship last year. You don't like to think that you're the culprit. This week, December 25-31, own up to your behavior and take responsibility for what you have caused.

The great thing about you and this special week, Pisces, is that you want to right the wrongs and want to know what exactly makes you keep making mistakes. In this way, you stir up the universe, much like a magician, and you can see everything floating around you, and you can pinpoint where you went wrong to make next year the “rightest” yet . You feel like you're doing something special, and the truth is… it is.

Keywords of the week: Negativity, mystery, disappointment

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 25th, 26th, 31st. These days show you that you are really familiar with what is going on and that if you really have the desire to change your life, you can do it as long as you believe in yourself.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.