What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest This Week with the

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest This Week with the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Welcome to the Eclipse portal and the window between worlds. The two-week window between eclipses is an intense time of transformation as it offers the opportunity to skip timelines and choose a different path in life. Everything becomes possible and things can change in unimaginable ways. This auspicious unpredictability reminds you that you are always responsible for your destiny and must consciously choose your divine path.

During the week of October 16, the First Quarter Moon rises in Capricorn, made incredibly intense by appearing in the eclipse window. The first quarter moon on October 21st presents obstacles or challenges associated with the intentions you have set for the new moon, in this case the new moon solar eclipse in Libra that occurred on October 14th.

It helps bring events in your life to a moment where you have to decide what you want to pursue and often who you want to become. In Capricorn, you are more grounded and logical, but you also need to be aware that you are not just choosing the path of least resistance, but the path that beckons to your soul.

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The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn peaks between October 20th and 21st, making this a powerful time for your intentions and rituals. Focus on choosing the destiny you want to create. Let yourself be embodied in the belief that the universe has already conspired to provide you with everything you desire while imbuing your decisions with an earthly logic. This is a moment when you can choose the future over the past. However, it must be yours.

The items you need to complete your rituals this week

Leading Energy: Capricorn, Earth

Best time for your ritual: The evening hours of October 20th or 21st

Chakra point: root

Herbs: Marjoram, cinnamon and sage

Essential oils: Lemon, geranium and sandalwood

Crystals: Amethyst for relaxation, Dragon’s Blood Jasper for courage and Snowflake Obsidian for balance

Incense: clove

Here’s what each zodiac sign can manifest during the week of October 16-22, 2023

Aries: Career decision

(March 21 – April 19)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I trust myself to make career decisions that reflect my truth and bring success.

Embrace the first quarter moon in Capricorn to make an important decision in your professional life. First, collect a small bag or piece of cloth to make a decision talisman. Add basil, cinnamon, cloves, and dragon’s blood jasper to help you make decisions that lead to success and abundance. Repeat your affirmation, tie it with a green ribbon, and then place it on your workspace or desk.

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Taurus: A leap of faith

(April 20 – May 20)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I use my ability to confidently jump into anything I’ve ever dreamed of.

It’s best to trust yourself and take a leap of faith under the first quarter moon in Capricorn so you can step into anything you’ve ever dreamed of. Create a jar of faith using lavender, birch bark, and cloves. Repeat your affirmation as you seal the jar with yellow wax and place it next to your front door.

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Gemini: Intimacy

(May 21 – June 20)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I practice deeper vulnerability as I create a deeper sense of intimacy in my relationship.

Focus on letting down your emotional walls during the first quarter Moon in Capricorn to create deeper intimacy in your relationship. First, lay out a square of red fabric or tissue paper and place three cherries, rose petals and basil inside. Repeat your affirmation by tying it with a gold ribbon and then burying it in your garden.

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Cancer: Romantic growth

(June 21st – July 22nd)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I focus on making the necessary decisions to promote romantic development in my life.

Reclaim your power in the decisions you can make in your romantic life as the first quarter Moon rises in Capricorn. Create a romantic offering with seven cherry stems, sage, lavender, rose petals and chamomile. Repeat your affirmation as you safely burn it, then spread the cooled ashes over your entryway.

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Leo: Self-care

(July 23rd – August 22nd)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I take the time to care for myself in any ways necessary.

Take a moment to focus on your personal needs, as the first quarter Moon in Capricorn will help you become more committed to your self-care. Place a pot of water with sage, lavender, and chamomile on the stove. Once ready, add it to the warm water of a bath along with pink Himalayan salt. Repeat your affirmation as you relax in the sacred water and take the time you need to feel good.

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Virgo: Honoring yourself

(August 23 – September 22)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I honor myself by practicing commitment to everything I desire.

Allow yourself to fully commit to the life you want to create, as the first quarter Moon in Capricorn will help you change things in your favor. Start by creating an authenticity spell by using something personal as an anchor. Then add chamomile, cloves and a little salt for protection. Repeat your affirmation, tie it with a white ribbon, and then tuck it into your clothing to boost your energy throughout the day.

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Libra: Improvements in the home

(September 23rd – October 22nd)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I focus on my home as I create a space of joy and love.

Think for yourself what you need to bring more love and joy into your home, as the first quarter Moon in Capricorn will help you focus more on your home. Start by making a room aura spray using simple witch hazel, orange and clove essential oils. Then add a piece of amethyst and a sprig of lavender. Repeat your affirmation as you diffuse it around your home, visualizing more joy and love in your space.

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Scorpio: Important communication

(October 23rd – November 21st)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I hold space for important conversations that help me implement my future plans.

Focus on the conversations you can have as the first quarter moon rises in Capricorn and help lay the foundation for the future you dream of. Start by anointing a blue candle with verbena essential oil to convey truth, then roll lavender and basil in it to bring peace and abundance. Repeat your affirmation as you light it, then hold a tiger’s eye to the flame. When you’re finished, place the crystal and a birch leaf together in your clothes throughout the day.

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Sagittarius: Financial abundance

(November 22nd – December 21st)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I create a plan for long-term financial success.

It’s time to plan for financial success as the first quarter Moon in Capricorn helps you focus on the abundance you want to create in your life. First, write your affirmation on a bay leaf and then anoint it with frankincense essential oil. When finished, use a green ribbon and tie the leaf to the trunk of an oak or maple tree. Repeat your affirmation and imagine yourself growing the abundance you desire.

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Capricorn: Mindfulness

(December 22nd – January 19th)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I practice mindfulness to ensure that every decision I make honors my divine authenticity.

Practice mindfulness as you pay more attention to your decisions under the energy of the first quarter Moon in Capricorn. Put together a herb bundle of rosemary and lemon balm. Repeat your affirmation by tying the stems of the herbs with a blue ribbon and then placing them in your purse or pocket on the right side of your body to bring mindfulness with each step you take.

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Aquarius: Healing

(January 20th – February 18th)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: I choose to heal so that my past does not affect my future.

Allow the past to dissolve as the first quarter moon peaks in Capricorn so you can enjoy more of your beautiful future. Make a healing salve using coconut oil, crushed rosemary, and orange and chamomile essential oils. Once it’s ready, repeat your affirmation while massaging it into your chakra points.

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Pisces: Your divine wish

(February 19th – March 20th)

Confirmation of the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: All my desires will come true as I align my soul more deeply with my divine purpose.

Embrace your divine desire for your life as the first quarter moon rises in Capricorn. Collect a birch leaf symbolizing Capricorn or maple leaf and write your affirmation on it. Repeat your affirmation as you place it on your front step with an amethyst on it.

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Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life intuitive consultant and retreat curator. You can find more information about her work on her website.