What happened after Domenica In?

A group of fans were waiting for Barbara d'Urso in front of the studios on the Domenica In. Extremely enthusiastic fans surrounded the presenter's car as she left Fabrizio Frizzi's television studios, where she recorded the interview with Mara Venier. “Barbara, when are you coming back on TV?” those present shouted to her. And she replied: “Soon, soon.” She then treated herself to selfies and greetings.

Many tried to get as close to the car window as possible to take a photo with Barbara. She didn't hold back and assured them of her future career plans. Finally, yesterday afternoon, Barbara didn't hold back when she told Venier about herself in 360 degrees, between her private and professional life. From the relationship with her ex-husband Mauro Berardi to the desire to get back on air with her own program, from the tensions that still burn for Pier Silvio Berlusconi, CEO of Mediaset, to the flirtations of the past between Miguel Bosé and Vasco Rossi.