How often is it right to shower (
Showering often or too little is never a good idea; there are precise rules for skin health.
There are those who believe they have to wash constantly, those who don’t do it enough, The truth, as always, lies in moderation without excesses on one side or the other. Even though this trend of “saving” water and the outer skin film has emerged in recent years, it is not a wise idea to think about not showering for days.
But it doesn’t make sense to wash just because of the smells for hygiene and health reasons which go much further, must always and under all circumstances be observed and followed in order to protect one’s own well-being.
Showering and health: how often should you do it?
Shower every day For many people it is a habit that’s why no one thinks of doing it differently. When it comes to hygiene, Italians are among the cleanest in the world, but that doesn’t mean that it’s right to wash all the time and that everyone else is dirtier.
Why washing is important (
Washing allows you Eliminate germs and bacteria from the body, dead cells, making it a healthy daily habit. However, in recent years, numerous studies have been carried out on this topic in order to understand whether the continuous application of products to the body and even water several times a day is actually healthy.
A recent TwentyTwoWords article confirms this an analysis of the negative health effects of a practice that may be normal for many: Don’t shower for 2 days. In fact, the habits and hygiene not only of the Italian people but also of people internationally must be taken into account and there are profound differences.
One of the countries with the biggest shower habit is Brazil, where it is carried out 12 times a week. However, China’s weekly rainfall is estimated to be 4.5 times that, as are the UK, Japan and Germany. In many countries such as France, Spain, the United States, Mexico and Australia, people shower every day. This will allow you to quickly understand what customs prevail outside the Bel Paese.
Sometimes even a practical question The bidet is an Italian exclusive and that, apart from the rare cases where someone has it specially installed at home, the only way to wash is in the shower.
Shower and dermatology: what the doctors say
In recent years, great attention has been paid to water consumption, dermatology and skin health. So if there was previously a need to wash adequately and continuously (estimates from years ago actually reported that showering was only done once a week in many countries), Today the situation is turned upside down.
When should the shower last (
We must separate washing the body for fear of odors, for the feeling of cleanliness and freshness, from what must necessarily be done for hygiene reasons and therefore to block germs and bacteria. On average, there are a thousand bacteria on a person’s body, forty species of fungi, even on the face. This is not to say that they are all harmful, but only a small part.
So if there are no specific risks of illness, it may well be that they are caused by the smell. In fact, not everyone knows that the reaction of sweating with the bacteria present produces this pungent odor, described as a more or less intense stench depending on age, number of bacteria present and personal hormones.
The problem is that when you sweat and this production is not removed from the body, It reacts with bacteria and, together with the moisture created on the skin, enables them to multiply and thus attack the dermis, eyes and mucous membranes. For this reason, you need to wash regularly to avoid injuries, infections and dermatitis.
Lifestyles and differences: the right choice
A lot also depends on your lifestyle. If you shower twice a day in Brazil, this is also because the temperatures are often high. If you sweat a lot, you wash more. For example, if you do sports, you shower several times a day. In addition to the hygienic consideration of body wash, the issue of clothing must also be taken into accountthat need to be cleaned, the type of products used and how the skin is washed.
Proper products to wash the body (
It seems trivial, but showering and wearing dirty clothes makes no sense. The bacteria multiply anyway, so it was a pointless move. The products, on the other hand, are essential because they must never be very aggressive, otherwise there are serious risks for the dermis and great caution is required. It is better to prefer natural, non-aggressive and definitely oily or very nutrient-rich substances.
Also make sure that the water is not too hard, otherwise you will have to install a filter (this is also available online for a few euros). In this way, substances such as lime and similar substances that would otherwise remain in the body and change the pH value are eliminated.
Therefore, when assessing skin health in conjunction with medical advice, it is important to wash properly but not too much. For example, you can shower three times a week in winter, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up daily hygiene that is, what concerns the intimate area, the armpits, the face and the teeth. This should definitely not be missed and in many cases should be repeated several times a day.
This is definitely the case in summer A daily shower is recommendedthe body sweats, The bacteria multiply and it is not a good idea to wait. It is better to choose a shower than a bathtub, as less water is used, use a temperature that is not too hot, otherwise the lipid film will be changed, use compatible products not only for the body but also for the hair, as they will then leak onto the skin.
A shower should last just the right amount of time, it is an endless waste of water and otherwise destroys the skin. As for the cadence, it is better not to wait too long to avoid irritation and dermatitis.