What is fact and what is rumour? Don’t worry honey

that was to be expected don’t worry honey should cause a stir in the press and on social networks, and not just out of curiosity about the singer Harry Styles in another film project. After the avalanche of positive reviews for his directorial debut in TerrificExpectations were high as to what to see Olivia Wilde would do in his second film, especially with such a sudden change of genre and a star cast made up of names like Florence Pughone of the best actresses of her generation.

However, few could have guessed that the headlines would talk so much less about the work itself and more about its supposedly troubled backstory. Between rumors of betrayal, uneasiness, and creative disagreements, there’s little room to talk about the story of Alice (Pugh), the disruptive housewife in a fifties utopian society, as release nears, and much gray area about what facts are. and what is speculation.

As well as interest in celebrity intimates, something everyone has some level of responsibility for, the growing craze is also mixed with sexist comments that Wilde, if not smeared for dating Styles — for being an actor in his film, for age difference or simple envy that’s what they call him as the reason for the alleged disagreement between the director and her protagonist be it because of a salary gap between the stars or because of a socalled love dispute. It is therefore an unfortunate scenario in many ways, but above all because it revives (or highlights) old habits of the industry that profit from conflicts between women, real or not.

With all that said, we’ve tried to separate the rumors from the facts and explain what is really known about the mood on the set of Don’t Worry Honey; check below: