What is the Epstein list and why is it shocking

What is the Epstein list and why is it shocking the US jet set WIRED Italia

A New York judge has ruled that this will be the case The names of about 200 people were announced implicated in the sex trafficking case involving billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell. The two were convicted after a series of trials for orchestrating a scheme involving the people involved Prostitution of very young girlsoften minors, with wealthy clients who are part of the American jet set. In 2019, after another arrest on federal charges Child trafficking in Florida and New YorkEpstein committed suicide at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

The characters involved in the investigation

In the Documents compiled during the investigation into one of the trials of Epstein's partner Ghislaine Maxwell, the names of several people are included. According to ABC News, among them is a certain “John Doe 36”, pseudonym of theformer President Bill Clinton: among the regulars of billionaires' residences in Florida and the Virgin Islands. The former president is mentioned more than 50 times in court documents Virginia Giuffreone of the tycoon's girl victims, without accusing him of unlawful behavior.

The investigations and publication of the list

Despite his first conviction in Florida in 2008, Jeffrey Epstein further exploited his own interests Network of relationships for both personal and professional purposes. The procedural investigations are based on documents from 2013 to 2017 that provide details Meetings and the favors Epstein allegedly granted to prominent figures in different industries.

The full list is expected to be published in the next few days. after the deadline for objections to the publication of the names, set by Judge Loretta Preska at midnight on Monday, January 1st. This decision was made within the framework of Trial that pitted Virginia Giuffre against each other (which in 2015 became the Epstein accuser and who last year reached an out-of-court settlement with Prince Andrew, Duke of York – the younger brother of King Charles III. of England – who was also involved in the scandal) and Ghislaine Maxwell, the billionaire's ex-girlfriend and employee who, according to the accusation, helped her partner identify and abuse numerous underage girls in the early 2000s. In 2016, a year after the trial began, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Sweet denied Maxwell's motion to dismiss the case, but it wasn't until last year that I published the decision to disclose the trial documents included therein the list without omissions of all the people involved in the case.