What time does BBB start today BBB time Sunday January

What time does BBB start today: BBB time, Sunday, January 21st. Bem Parana


This Sunday (21) another player leaves the most watched house in Brazil

Bem Parana Newsroom
| January 21, 2024 at 9:00 p.m

bbb, bbb 24, bbb24, big brother Brazil, what time does bbb start today, what time does bbb start, bbb time, 2101 (Photo: Reproduction/Gshow)

The fourth eliminated will be discovered this Sunday (21) on BBB 24 (Big Brother Brasil 2024).. At the end, see what time BBB starts today.

Nizam, Pitel and Ráculo are on the wall. Who is leaving BBB today? According to the updated part of the BBB UOL poll, Giovanna Pitel is the favorite to leave.

However, the result will only be officially announced in the live program this Sunday (21), as moderator Tadeu Schmidt announced.


The 22 participants will be 21 from Sunday (21). BBB 24 (Big Brother Brazil 2024). The reality show quickly eliminates another participant.

Even with that Withdrawal from Vanessa Lopes, the momentum of the week remained intact. The Tiktoker pressed the button last Friday (19) and gave up on the reality show.

+ VIDEO: Watch the moment Vanessa Lopes quit at BBB 24

The fourth wall of the season formed on Friday. Remember:

  • Angels (Lucas and Luigi) were immune and together immunized Mc Bin Laden
  • Leader Matteus nominated Giovanna Pitel for Paredão
  • House of Representatives vote on confessional. Each player voted for two different people
  • With seven votes Nizam was the second walled place
  • Three BBB 24 players took second place with 5 votes
  • David, Raquel and Vinicius: with the voice of the leader Matteus, Raquel was nominated
  • Who is on the wall: Nizam, Pitel and Raquel

+ Remember: Who voted for whom in the vote on the 4th wall of BBB 24?

What time does BBB start today?

This Sunday (21), according to the official programming of Globo and Globoplay, will take place BBB 24 (Big Brother Brazil 2024) starts from 11:10 p.m.

However, that is BBB schedule may be changed by the broadcaster without prior notice.

This Sunday's reality show (21) starts right after the broadcast of Fantástico (8:30 p.m. to 11:09 p.m.).

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