What will happen in 2023 Salaries Mortgages Bills How They

What will happen in 2023? Salaries, Mortgages, Bills: How They Change in the New Year

From tax reform to new investments

The 2023 maneuver will set the course for the next 12 months, which will not be easy given high inflation, tight monetary policies in major countries and uncertainty due to the unfolding war between Russia and Ukraine. So what can we expect from this year 2023? For the real estate sector, the evolution of the cost of money will have a decisive impact on the housing market, since mortgage interest rates will continue to rise in the first few months, while there will be no shortage of investment opportunities, especially promising trends such as energy, and not just because of climate change. News also on the cryptocurrency front. On the work side, the self-employed with income above 65,000 euros enjoy the flat tax of 15% up to a maximum of 85,000 euros, while there is a return to normal for smart working. In 2023, too, the Meloni government will dare a fight, the outcome of which is still completely uncertain: the radical reform of the tax authorities. But between bills, salaries, work and housing, let’s see what to expect from the New Year.