What will happen to Brazil39s image if Lula heads the

What will happen to Brazil's image if Lula heads the G20?

Brazil began the G20 presidency by criticizing the United Nations and military spending on current conflicts in the world.| Photo: Fábio RodriguesPozzebom/Agência Brasil

Brazil is temporarily chairing the socalled “G20” this year, which brings together the world's largest economies and whose focus during this term will be on addressing hunger and poverty, sustainable development and government reform. global.

This last point in particular is the main topic that the Brazilian Foreign Ministry is discussing with other foreign ministers of other countries and that will be discussed this week at the group's first meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

On the first day, Brazilian Minister Mauro Vieira presented to the other participants Brazil's position that is, that of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) on this issue and criticized the United Nations (UN) for not having found a solution in this regard the world's major ongoing conflicts and military spending, which reached the $2 trillion mark.

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Mauro Vieira's criticism of the United Nations comes as Brazil faces a diplomatic crisis with Israel after Lula compared Israel's response to the Hamas attacks to the Nazi Holocaust. The Brazilian president was considered “persona non grata” by the Israeli government and was the target of constant demands from German Chancellor Israel Katz.

Mauro Vieira called on his counterparts attending the meeting to find answers to resolve current conflicts in the world around 170, according to him and to move forward in the discussion on establishing a new global governance in which member countries of the United Nations and the United Nations The Security Council is more active and its resolutions are accepted by all signatories.

“Brazil strongly encourages all G20 members to shift the focus of the debate to finding concrete answers that focus on what we have in common and to take measures to build trust.” We speak about these issues from experience and ours own experience, not from idealism,” Vieira said in the opening speech, emphasizing that Brazil “does not accept a world in which differences are resolved through violence.”

Mauro Vieira also noted that the world needs to address other, more pressing issues than conflict, such as development, hunger, poverty, inequality, climate change and the environment.

“These are the wars we have to fight in 2024. In all these efforts, it is fundamental to have a modern, effective and efficient multilateral system, guided by norms and principles that are strictly followed by all countries and with the United Nations at its heart,” stressed, underlining the need for a reformulation of global governance.

He also called on other participants to make a resolution to gather resources for a global initiative to combat hunger. Dozens of multilateral meetings will take place throughout the year ahead of the G20 leaders' summit scheduled for November in Rio de Janeiro.

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