What World Leaders Have Investigated

What World Leaders Have Investigated

The study It is a fundamental element for one’s career political leader.

Look at prominent personalities from the world of Italian politics And International It’s natural to wonder what that is University course carried out by individuals Heads of GovernmentPrime Minister or President.

Obviously, there is no single answer to the question of how to become a politician, as each path is a combination of personal experiences, academic studies, studies and personal skills.

Let’s take some of the most for reference important world leaders and let’s find out what they have studied in the past. Below you will find everything you need to know.

1. Xi Jinping, President of China

President of People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping He began his political career very early, first serving in the ranks of the Chinese Communist Youth League and then joining the Communist Party in 1974. However, alongside this path, Xi Jinping has placed a serious study program, even if it is not socio-economic or political. In fact, the current president of China graduated in 1979 Chemical Engineering from Beijing Tsinghua University and later earned a Doctor of Laws.

2. Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation.

He is one of the most famous and probably most controversial faces in current politics Wladimir PutinHis long career initially sees him as a civil servant KGB, the Russian secret services, and then ended up in the government of the Federation for a total of 4 different mandates. But What did Putin study? The Russian President graduated International right In 1975 at the law faculty of the then Leningrad State University.

3. Joe Biden, President of the United States

Joe Biden he graduated Political Science 1965 at the University of Newark, later majoring in Lawgraduated from Syracuse, New York, in 1968 and was then admitted to the United StatesLegal register in 1969, an activity that was only carried out for a short time. Biden was elected to the New Castle County Council from 1970 to 1972 and was elected this year as a Democratic senator representing the state of Delaware. From there he began his political career, which has now led him to become President of the United States.

4. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

Another political figure that is increasingly being talked about due to the Genocide in Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Benjamin Netanyahu grew up in and returned to both Jerusalem and the United States Israel Immediately after graduating from high school in 1967, he enrolled in school Israel Defense Forces, shortly after the Six Day War. Netanyahu became “team leader” of the Sayeret Matkal special unit and took part in many operations. Netanyahu fought on the front lines in the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and took part in special forces raids in the Suez Canal. Netanyahu reached the rank of captain before retiring from the military. He graduated in WITH with the title Bachelor of Science (SB) in architecture It is a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Sloan Business School of the same university. Netanyahu became an economic consultant for the Boston Consulting Group and completed his academic training at the Boston Consulting Group Doctor of Political Science at Harvard University. In 1978, he returned to Israel to found the Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute, named after his brother, who had died two years earlier. In addition to his hard line on the Israel-Gaza conflict, Netanyahu has drawn repeated criticism for failing to do so following his 1996 electionOslo Accords for peace between Israel and Palestine, which, if elected, would lead to an increase in tensions between the two states and a loss of stability.

5. Emmanuel Macron, President of France

Also interesting is the academic career of the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron. After graduation philosophy In 2004 he received his degree from theInstitute for Political Studies from Paris (Sciences Po) and at the École Nationale d’administration (ENA), the French school of public administration, to then work as a financial inspector and, since 2008, to be managing director of the investment bank Rothschild & Co. In his political office he had a technical role as advisor to the socialist President François Hollande.

6. Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy

Every political leader has a different university degree, but today they are the leaders of a nation. And what about Italy? It caused a lot of discussion qualification From Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of our country. Giorgia Meloni was born and raised in Rome He doesn’t have a degreehis only qualification is a Language diploma received from Amerigo Vespucci Institute, a Professional for Tourism, Experimental, which assessed linguistic maturity with a score of 60/60. Proof that the political career is a complicated path that affects not only education, but is also tangible evidence not only of a ruling class in Italy less prepared from an academic point of view and, above all, the result of decades of rule that the class was disinterested in Education and did not invest in the training of new generations, and the proof of this is the results of last year.