WhatsApp groups will see some changes. It has to be said that it is often a big mess as the admins lacked power. From now on they can view and manage group membership requests through a dedicated tab. It will no longer be enough to click on a link to stumble upon a group like a fly in the ointment. A stranger must therefore be accepted by the admin in order to join a group.
WhatsApp for iOS and Android gets new features for group chats!
New groups features with improved privacy controls for admins and the ability to find groups shared with other contacts by searching their names are gradually rolling out on Android and iOS.https://t.co/OWodQ89FUx
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) March 21, 2023
Nobody likes you Enzo!
Enzo, your niece Stephanie’s new boyfriend, therefore has to wait for Tata to accept him before they crush our candy with his ideas of hosting a vegan barbecue or making handmade Christmas gifts (go to hell Enzo, nobody likes you in the family! ). Another novelty: the possibility to see the groups that you share with your contacts. It was more or less like that in the contact file, but now it becomes much easier: you just have to find your interlocutor in the list to see at a glance whether your sister is part of the group of older vacationers or Satan’s followers .
This will avoid you having to repeat yourself or say something mean about Uncle Dominique while he is in the group “Les boomers en sueur”. The aim is, of course, to make the groups a little more digestible. It must be recognized that WhatsApp groups have multiplied to such an extent since the pandemic that it is difficult to follow them. They are also often a source of tension in families. Yes, Enzo, it’s your fault, donkey.