When a producer hires Depardieu he knows he is hiring

“When a producer hires Depardieu, he knows he is hiring an attacker,” accuses actress Anouk Grinberg

Anouk Grinberg, one of the French actresses who decided to “break the silence” around sexual violence in the 7th centurye Art believes that the producers “know they are hiring an aggressor” when they decide to give Gérard Depardieu a role.

• Also read: New lawsuit against Depardieu for alleged sexual assault in 2021

“When film producers hire Depardieu for a film, they know they are hiring an aggressor. “Not a potential aggressor: an aggressor,” accuses Anouk Grimberg in an interview with AFP.

The 60-year-old actress shared the poster with Gérard Depardieu in the film Les Shutters Vertes (2022), after which two members of the team accused the actor of sexual assault and she denounced the “cowardice” of the director Jean Becker.

“Becker dares to say in the newspapers that my comments are scandalous and that if Depardieu had behaved badly he would of course have spoken to him about it between men.” Let's go! He knew full well that two women had been seriously attacked. It serves to cover up their cowardice and inability to protect women [Jean Becker et les producteurs du film] blame it on me [de mentir]“, she denounces.

“Apparently there was a lady assigned to The Green Shutters [à prévenir les] Attacks,” the actress continues. “She never supported women who were attacked. She never intervened when we heard about “pussy, pussy, cock, getting sucked.”

Anouk Grinberg is also supporting actress Charlotte Arnould, whose allegations in 2018 led to the actor being charged with rape since 2020, and is calling on other actresses to speak out.

“On certain films with Depardieu, we tell the crew before shooting: ‘If there is the slightest problem, keep quiet. If you say anything, you will be fired.’ It’s effective. People are afraid for their apple, afraid of losing their job and afraid that they won’t be believed.”


Anouk Grimberg refers to the French public television program “Complément d'investigation”, broadcast in December, in which we see the actor multiplying misogynistic insults and remarks of a sexual nature, and assures that this type of language was used during the filming of the film was the order of the day.

“What people saw in Complément d'investigation sur Depardieu is pretty mild compared to what I saw in The Green Shutters, and I'm not the only one, we all saw it, we all heard it […]. We were entitled to his lewd things from morning to night,” she says.

According to Anouk Grinberg, who has known Gérard Depardieu for a long time, his behavior has been getting worse for years. “I always heard him making sexual, serious comments, but yes, it got worse with the permission of the profession that paid him to do it and that covered up his crimes,” she says.

When asked about the silence of famous actresses such as Catherine Deneuve or Isabelle Huppert, who filmed with Gérard Depardieu, Anouk Grinberg regrets being one of the few to denounce this sexual violence. “It’s a question of self-awareness and empathy. It's their business. But of course I would like to see many more women speak out, because many women know.”

Anouk Grinberg, who admits that she was once “complicit” in these attacks, explains that she had “very important encounters that reveal you.” “Six years ago I met Charlotte Arnould, who at the time was very, very alone and completely devastated by what she had just suffered,” she says.

She has suffered such an attack herself, but believes that things are starting to change, albeit very slowly. “Of course, I had to endure seizures and was taught to see them as normal, not just in order to function at work, but simply in order to function in life,” she says. “As a woman, you understand that being attacked is part of life. That’s what’s changing.”

“Things like that don’t change, [mais] “Listening has begun, it is already good.” As for those “who deny, [ils] contribute to this smell.