1687475822 When and how will I find out if I will

When and how will I find out if I will be at a polling station for the general election?

The date of the next general election, July 23, means many voters are waiting to know whether they can spend the summer quietly or will be one of the 534,000 people who must serve as president, members or alternates in their electoral college. City councils like Madrid started drawing lots for the members of the polling stations this Thursday. The one from Barcelona will do it this Saturday, June 24th. The chosen ones will receive the notification by hand within three days of the draw, but consistories have until June 28th to do so. Given this deadline, all nominees should receive their notification by July 3rd. Some of the key questions about this process are answered below.

What is a polling station? Who can design it?

A polling station is the body that directs the conduct of an election, controls the process and is responsible for counting the votes. It consists of a President and two members chosen by lottery from among registered adults and those under 70 years of age who can read and write.

When will I know if I had to be a member of a polling station?

The municipalities have time from June 22nd to 28th to determine the members of the polling stations by drawing lots. After the selection, the notification must arrive within three days and be delivered personally. Everyone should have been notified by July 3, but there may be delays. The Ministry of the Interior points out that in the event of a “later” notification, the delay does not invalidate the designation.

How does the draw in the town hall work?

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It is the responsibility of each consistory and is elected by the congregational plenum. Any random method or random mechanism can be used for this purpose. Computer applications are used in most communities, but in small town halls you can participate in the traditional raffle with balls in bags. The results will not be published, only communicated to the chosen ones.

The Mayor of Ourense, Gonzalo Pérez Jácome, during an extraordinary session to carry out the polling station draw this Thursday. The Mayor of Ourense, Gonzalo Pérez Jácome, during an extraordinary session to carry out the polling station draw this Thursday. August (Europa Press)

In which communities have they already been carried out?

This Thursday they took place at the Madrid City Hall, as well as in Malaga, Ourense and other small municipalities such as Tolosa (Guipúzcoa), where citizens could attend a public session. Or in Langreo (Asturias) and Águilas (Murcia). Valencia City Council plans to hold its draw on June 26 and it will use a system of mathematical algorithms, Efe reports.

Can I get rid of a polling station if I have a trip?

If the day of the elections coincides with a trip or a holiday, this can be argued before the electoral committees of each territory under certain conditions: that the trip was agreed before May 30, the date of the call for the elections, that the cancellation this trip causes economic damage or significant impairment for the applicant and that the full integration of the polling stations is guaranteed. The interested party must provide proof of both the travel contract and the damage that would result from failure to use the travel contract, as determined by the Central Election Committee on June 8th.

Are there other reasons that can set me free?

There is a list of circumstances that are accepted as excuses alone, while others depend on the criteria of the particular Election Committee. If you are between 65 and 70 years old and want to leave, you will automatically receive the green light upon application. Other allowable reasons include a leave of absence from work, pregnancy after six months or maternity leave. All these cases have to be accredited and awaited the response of the electoral board.

Family concerns that are justified in and of themselves include the birth of a child up to nine months of age while breastfeeding, caring for an immediate relative who is unable to support themselves, or caring for children under the age of eight reasons of legal guardianship or of people with disabilities. It is also a powerful excuse to have to serve in electoral committees, courts or public administrations with elective functions that day; They work on this very day in essential services such as doctors, health workers, civil protection or fire brigades or with media directors and heads of information services who have to report on election day.

Other cases, such as a high-risk pregnancy in the first six months, injuries, illnesses or physical or mental illnesses, or membership of denominations or religious communities that are incompatible with the election, must be examined by the electoral board. It is also checked whether an urgent family event “of special importance” takes place on election day, such as a wedding, baptism or communion. In these cases, the degree of relationship must be proven.

Is it true that they can no longer invite me to a table if I ask for a vote by post?

No. The drawing of lots for the members of the tables takes place among all persons entered in the voter census. If postal voting is requested, voting in person on election day is not permitted.

What are the deadlines for requesting an excuse if I can’t attend?

If you are selected and unable to attend, you have 7 days from receipt of the letter informing you of your nomination. Once the application has been submitted, the electoral board of your region will decide within five days without the possibility of appeal. Filing a request to be exempted from exercising this role in the elections does not mean that the request will be granted. Until you receive a response, you will continue to be listed as the person responsible for that task on election day.

How do I make the request?

You must contact the electoral board of the district that corresponds to you. A directory of phone numbers and addresses can be found on the Central Electoral Committee website. Also published is the letter announcing the appointment of a member of a polling station (either president, member or alternate of these offices). For the regional and local elections, the processing was also possible online via a computer application of the Central Electoral Committee called Excuses.

What can happen to me if I don’t turn up at the polling station on election day?

Failure to appear at the polling station is a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for three months to one year or a fine of six to 24 months for omission or non-compliance at the polling station.

Am I entitled to working leave if I vote at a polling station?

Yes, you are entitled to full-time paid leave on Election Day if you have to work that day. In any case, you are also entitled to have your working hours reduced by five hours on the following day. In addition, all table, president and member members receive a diet of 70 euros. No diet is required for substitutes.