When asked about Starfields land vehicles Todd Howard states that

When asked about Starfield’s land vehicles, Todd Howard states that there are spaceships and jetpacks in the game. – GamingTest.fr PC and console video games – tests, news, videos

I mean… easy. I think people still want moon buggies.

Opinions on Starfield are divided, but two criticisms are widely shared: on the one hand, the maps aren’t very good, but on the other hand, it’s a little disappointing that there are no ground vehicles to explore the planets.

In an interview with Bloomberg this week, in response to a question about the lack of ground vehicles, Todd Howard said the idea had already been considered, but the development team preferred to know “how quickly (players) figure things out on the planet.” exploration on foot. He also pointed out that you can fly.

“In a sense you have a vehicle, which means you obviously have your spaceship, you can move around in space,” Howard added. “But on the surface you have a jetpack that you can upgrade, which is a lot of fun and a new experience for us. And of course planets have different degrees of gravity, making this experience unique to many planets.

Jetpacks have a rich and important history in video games. Tribes, Titanfall, Star Wars Battlefront. The classic 1991 Super Nintendo game, The Rocketeer. Destroy all humans. The Giants: Citizen Kabuto, you know what I mean. And some have turned the Starfield jetpack into an unprecedented tool of war, turning it into an invisible flying robot. ghost snipers.

Buggy rides aren’t always fun either. Every time I played Mass Effect I cringed at the thought of having to spend any more time driving that damn Mako, and there’s something to be said for hitting a planet and standing on its two dusty feet stuck. But it’s hard to see open terrain and not want to do at least a little mountain biking. It’s telling that one of the first things we humans did when we finally reached another celestial body was to figure out how to drive a car there.

I could see vehicles as expansion content. Maybe there’s a sequence involving a monster truck rally on a low-gravity planet where a Truckasaurus flies around spitting cosmic fire at everyone. Or they could build on the Western motif and have a roving band of space cowboys with cybernetic horses. Whatever Starfield has in store for us in the future, one thing is certain: Bethesda’s gaming mod community is unrivaled and the call for spacecraft has become louder.

Of course, nothing this complex has appeared on mod sites yet, but here are the best Starfield mods to date.

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