When childhood and innocence suffer on the brink of war

When childhood and innocence suffer on the brink of war Victoria

A child dies and two others are injured in Gaza every ten minutes, was the editorial of a news report on the TeleSur channel a few days ago. Short words and just a few numbers, but they shook my entire being in one fell swoop.

When childhood and innocence suffer on the brink of warPhoto: Portal.

And mine? Where are my children? Could they perhaps understand what their innocence means on the verge of a cannon shot, a shot, a war…?

No, not mine, not yours, not some Cuban child; Their dreams will not perish in the clutches of the horrors that Palestine is experiencing today; It is almost impossible to imagine her bathed in blood without feeling a heartbeat, a breath of life, a sigh of hope.

How many more have to die for the world to listen? The children of Gaza are crying out for help as their sad and alarming situation reflects the most inhumane violation of children’s rights.

On November 20th, World Children’s Day is celebrated like every year, and with what shame could we celebrate if the little Palestinians’ greatest right, the right to life, is taken away?

1700369784 916 When childhood and innocence suffer on the brink of warUNICEF complains that more than 400 Palestinian children are killed or injured every day by Israeli bombings

On this occasion, it should be more than streamers, balloons and pyrotechnics, a day when we raise our voices for life and for ending this genocide there. Beyond celebrating successes, it is necessary to draw attention to the situation of the most disadvantaged boys and girls in the world and to raise people’s awareness to work every day on their well-being and development.

UNICEF has stated: “The killing and maiming of children, the abduction of minors, attacks on hospitals and schools and the denial of access to humanitarian assistance are serious violations of children’s rights.”

This is how the Israeli forces move through Palestine, hurting each and every one of them and alienating families who have no way to protect their precious offspring, without food, without hygiene, without a space with fresh air where they can breathe easily.

1700369786 467 When childhood and innocence suffer on the brink of warA Palestinian family in their house destroyed by Israeli bombing, Deir el-Balah, Gaza Strip, November 15, 2023 Majdi Fathi / Gettyimages.ru

Escape is probably the only thought, while the crying of the children perhaps waves like a flag in the midst of the terror that Israel has mercilessly spread.

Al-Azhar University in Gaza, where 16,000 young people studied, was also destroyed, just as the naivety, desires and dreams of children were looted and destroyed. It’s unforgivable!

Likewise, the Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied territories denounced before the United Nations General Assembly that Israel would stop all “abusive practices” against minors in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Cuba has joined this demand because our children are the most precious thing, only they know how to love and do it with their hearts, they are the hope of the world and that is why we fight so that they, ours and our children are safe even those outside the borders. .

Imprisoned or paralyzed in diplomatic calculations are those who decide in a conflict whose aim seems to be to “wipe off the face of the earth” for the Palestinians, rather than to offer the necessary protection to minors trapped in double standards Human rights.

A new, devastating chapter is being written in Gaza about the failure to protect war-affected children. Today the priority is to reinforce a system that fails to protect them as their childhood and innocence die on the brink of war.

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