When the Academy Nests in the Workshop • Workers Workers

When the Academy Nests in the Workshop • Workers Workers of Cuba

Arianna Vega Rosales is 22 years old. About six months ago, he graduated as a Higher Technician in Electromedicine at the Zoilo Marinello Vidaurreta Medical University in Las Tunas. and now, in the middle of the training period at the budgeted unit of the Las Tunas Provincial Center of Electromedicine, she behaves like an experienced person.

Cuando1The young Arianna recognizes the advantages of combining teaching and practice. Photos: Ángel Chimeno Pérez

And he explains the reasons: “During the three years of my studies I was associated with this center, so neither the colleagues nor the instruments nor the equipment we operate are strangers to me.”

Guaranteed continuity

Arianna assures that she feels comfortable and in good hands with all her colleagues: “They are very cooperative, they impart their knowledge, they guide the younger ones and convey to them the common values ​​of discipline, responsibility, trustworthiness, honesty, etc.” Feeling of belonging to Organization”.

She admits that she is very happy to be part of this group with a heroic tradition, holding National Vanguard status and many other awards that she has received in the face of numerous challenges.

Arianna is not afraid of the challenges, which are not small, and which are exacerbating the North American blockade that prevents the acquisition of new technologies and spare parts to allow the planned maintenance of equipment intended to save lives with a certain diagnosis.

Automatics engineer and master in management sciences Robert Vanegas Osorio, deputy general director of the unit, praises the connection with the university.

“These deficits encourage us to look for alternatives, to be creative and give us reason to be proud of the profession because we can contribute to the well-being of many people, patients and families,” say Arianna, an employee, with around 80 % come from the new generation.

The Academy and the Workshop

Automatic engineer and master in management sciences Robert Vanegas Osorio, deputy general director of the unit, considers it a strength to have established itself as the headquarters of the Zoilo Marinello Vidarrueta Medical University. .

He affirms and justifies: “This condition gives us the opportunity to train in practice the technical forces we need to maintain services and ensure the continuity of these essential benefits to the health system.”

Solidarity and internationalism are also underpinned by this work pedagogical form: “Currently, 35 of our professionals are present in different countries, 18 of them in Venezuela and the rest in other countries, without affecting the work at the border,” confirms Vanegas Osorio.

Among the countries that have received this cooperation, South Africa, Guyana, Bahamas, Haiti, Djibouti, Mozambique, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Granada, Jamaica and Qatar stand out. “In all of them are the traces of our professionals, their serious work and their commitment.”

Cuando3Precision is a golden rule in electromedicine.

Vanegas Osorio explains that they have the classrooms and emphasizes the enthusiasm with which his colleagues take on this responsibility: “We ensure the quality of the staff who become teachers, who go through categorization exercises before taking over the preparation of the students,” argues he.

It says that they have a faculty of six assistant professors and an equal number of lecturers who have mastered the pedagogical and technical tools of the disciplines they teach and also work as teachers in other countries of the world.

Professional preparation

Cuando4The workshops are a bulwark against the blockade.

Professional preparation supports the prestige and awards they have received, says Vanegas Osorio; and he speaks with optimism about a workforce made up of 10 biomedical engineers who graduated from the University of Oriente and the other graduates in electrical medicine, many of whom were trained under the supervision of this group, who graduated on October 3rd Celebrating 60th anniversary of their arrival services to the Las Tunas area.