When will there be a non binary albino superhero The

When will there be a non-binary albino superhero? – The Journal de Montreal

You have seen this text in The newspaper to the series echowhich debuted on Tuesday's platforms Streaming Disney+ and Hulu? “Native-born, deaf and with a leg amputated, the new Marvel superhero is banking on her atypical profile to reboot a franchise that’s been losing momentum at Disney.”

• Also read: Marvel: Disney is accused of “wokism” and relies on a deaf and amputee superhero

It is no longer enough that she is a woman. She must be an indigenous woman.

It is no longer enough that she is an indigenous woman. She also has to be deaf.

But it is no longer enough that she is an indigenous woman and deaf. She must also be indigenous, deaf and have had one leg amputated.

Can you imagine how happy the large community of deaf and amputee indigenous women was when they learned that Marvel was dedicating a superhero to them? Finally a company that knows how to appeal to this large audience that has been in the shadows for too long!

But I wonder: was her left or right leg amputated? Because we don't target the same clientele at all!


We applaud Marvel's efforts, but honestly, why should we stop there?

They couldn't make her an albino, their superhero? You're albinophobic, right? And why is it typically large? She couldn't be a dwarf? Well, I mean, small?

And the dyslexics, was Marvel thinking about the dyslexics?

And when will all these people with rare diseases have a superhero who looks like them? What do we say to people who suffer from polymyalgia rheumatica or antiphospholipid syndrome?

Why be inclusive when you can only be semi-inclusive? Why stop now when everything is going so well? We have to open the floodgates! Push the machine!

At least I hope the new superhero is non-binary. Otherwise, I know some people who will be accused of being “heteronormative.” Non-binary, it seems to me that this is the union minimum. Otherwise, we can think that the female, indigenous, deaf and amputee superhero could also be queer or intersex, genderqueer, agender or bi-spiritual.

Because let's not forget, according to the Woke credo of 2024: “Society is increasingly recognizing that sexual diversity does not only consist of male and female genders, but of a whole range of possibilities with variations that are as personal as they are infinite, which are summarized under them are.” great concept of gender identity.

And what pronoun should I use when talking about her/him/ille/iel/ul/al?

And when will we see an overweight drag queen superhero?

Intersectionality can be celebrated 100% or not at all.


Okay, enough with the jokes. I understand that we need better representation of minorities on screen. But too much is like not enough. Political correctness taken to extremes is simply ridiculous.

Do we really believe that audiences choose their films and series based on how many “intersectional” boxes the hero ticks?

When will these companies and the organizations that fund them understand that the only criterion that matters to the general public is that the story is good? Let the characters be complex and interesting. That the actors are believable.

In short: tell us good stories! And what does it matter if the hero has one leg or suffers from chronic shortness of breath!