Where can you watch the election results live Your digital

Where can you watch the election results live? Your digital balance

This Sunday (2) is the first ballot where voters will select their candidates for federal deputies, federal deputies, senators, governors and presidents of the republic. With the polling stations closed, people’s expectation of knowing the outcome of the election is growing.

Follow the vote count in real time through this application!

counting of elections

So if you are interested in following the counting of the votes, in addition to several television stations that broadcast live from 5 p.m., such as GloboNews, CNN Brasil, Jovem Pan News, Band News and Record News, you will find pages where it is also possible to track calculation in real time.

The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) website has a separate page for election results. There are also news portals that also publish the results of federal and state elections, such as UOL and g1.

Countries that have already completed the elections

The countries that have completed the voting are: South Africa; Germany; Saudi Arabia; Australia; Bahrain; Belgium; Bulgaria; Qatar; China; Hong Kong (Province of China); Cyprus; South Korea; Denmark; Egypt; United Arab Emirates; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Estonia; Philippines; Finland; France; Greece; Netherlands; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Will; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Mozambique; Namibia; Nepal; Norway; New Zealand; Oman; Palestine; Poland; Kenya; Czech Republic; Romania; Russia (Russian Federation); Singapore; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Taiwan; Tanzania; East Timor; Turkey; Vietnam; and Zambia.


Since several countries have already finished voting, in some of them it was already possible to know which candidate won. Cash

Therefore, Lula has already won in the following countries:

  • Australia;
  • New Zealand;
  • Singapore;
  • China;
  • Germany;
  • Estonia;
  • Finland;
  • Hungary;
  • Czech Republic;
  • France;
  • Denmark; and
  • Belgium.

Bolsonaro, on the other hand, had an advantage in two countries:

Image: Gustavo Preiss / Shutterstock