1683956194 Where creative talents develop their ideas

Where creative talents develop their ideas


Trieste has in common with metropolises like New York, Paris and Milan that fashion and design play a central role. A new center was created here under the abbreviation “ITS Arcademy” as a meeting place for young designers and creative people. It is Italy’s first fashion art museum.

05.13.2023 03.07

Online since today, 7:03 am

The abbreviation ITS stands for International Talent Support. Every year, the most unusual creations from the fields of fashion and design are presented to the public in a contest.

Models on the ITS Arcademy Trieste catwalk

ITS Trieste

Barbara Franchin, the brains behind ITS, says hundreds of finalists have been selected over the past 20 years. “But it’s not so much about winning as it is about gaining a foothold in the industry. Many important contacts are made through participation.”

Barbara Franchin

ORF Barbara Franchin, the idea behind ITS

This year’s motto: “Born to Create”

This year, ideas can be submitted until September 10 under the motto “Born to create”. Finalists will be announced in November.

ITS Arcademy Trieste exhibition


New meeting point in the heart of Trieste

At some point, the original premises were bursting at the seams. A new home has been found at Via della Cassa di Risparmio, 10. The achievements of the ITS creative industries are showcased on 1,800 square meters.

Designed by ITS Arcademy

ORF One of the drafts

Each submission is like a little treasure

Barbara Franchin says that, for her, each individual submission is like a small treasure that needs to be guarded: “The idea of ​​bringing together all the portfolios we have received over the years came spontaneously. I didn’t want to do without any of them, because each one represents a very individual vision of the future. We’ve already showcased 14,000 future designs in this room alone.”

Workshop at ITS Arcademy Trieste

ORF workshop at the ITS Arcademy in Trieste

Workshops open to all

In workshops on various topics, visitors can also become active. Everyone is welcome, no matter what age and whether you are in the fashion industry or just interested.