Where should the ashes of the deceased be kept Schoenstatt

Where should the ashes of the deceased be kept? Schoenstatt schoenstatt.org.br


Two answers from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Vatican News The Italian Cardinal, Dom Matteo Maria Zuppi, had asked whether it would be possible to keep them in common places, similar to ossuaries, and whether a small part could be kept in a place meaningful to the deceased. The answer is yes in both cases. However, any pantheistic, naturalistic or nihilistic errors must be avoided.

It will be possible to provide a sacred place “for the collection and communal storage of the ashes of the baptized deceased,” i.e. This is stated by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in response to two questions from the Archbishop of Bologna, northern Italy, Matteo Zuppi, on the issue of the cremation of deceased believers. The second answer states that the ecclesiastical authority may also consider and evaluate the request of family members to keep a “minimum portion” of a deceased person's ashes in a place significant to the deceased person's history.

The questions

Cardinal Zuppi, given the “greater choice between cremating the deceased” and distributing the ashes in nature, also so as not to “outweigh economic reasons suggested by the lower cost of distribution, and indications for the destination of the “To give ashes as soon as the period for their preservation has expired”, he asked these questions and wanted to “respond not only to the request of the family members, but above all to the Christian proclamation of the resurrection of the corpses and the respect due to them”. The first: “Taking into account the canonical prohibition on scattering the ashes of a deceased person similar to ossuaries it is possible to provide a defined and permanent sacred place for the accumulation and communal preservation of the ashes of deceased baptized people,” and for each of give them his personal finger?” And the second: “Can a family be allowed to keep some of the ashes of a family member in a place that is significant in the history of the deceased?”

The Dicastery's Responses to the Doctrine of Faith

The Dicastery, in a text signed by Cardinal Prefect Victor Fernandez approved by Pope Francis, on December 9th, answers in the affirmative. First of all, remember that according to the Instruction Ad resurgendum cum Christo 2016 (No. 5) “the ashes must be kept in a sacred place (cemetery) and also in an area specifically dedicated to this purpose, as long as they are of ecclesiastical Authority has designated for this purpose.” The reasons for this choice namely the need to “reduce the risk of the deceased being removed from the memory and prayers of relatives and the Christian community” and to avoid “forgetfulness and disrespect” as well as “uncomfortable or superstitious practices”.

We will rise again with the same identity

Then he is reminded: “This is what our faith tells usWe will be resurrected with the same physical identity what is material,” although “that matter will be.” transfigured, freed from the limitations of this world. In this sense, the resurrection will take place in this flesh in which we now live.” However, this transformation “does not mean the restoration of the identical particles of matter that formed the body.” Therefore, the resurrected body “will not necessarily consist of the same elements that it had before its death.” Since it is not a simple reanimation of the corpse, the resurrection can occur even if the body has been completely destroyed or scattered. This helps us understand why many cemeteries keep the ashes of the deceased together instead of keeping them in separate locations.”

Respect for the saint

Next, the Dicastery emphasizes that “the ashes of the deceased come from material remains that were part of the person's historical journey, so the Church shows special care and reverence to the relics of the saints.” This care and this memory also guide us an attitude of holy respect” toward the ashes, which “we keep in a holy place suitable for prayer.”


Therefore, the Zuppi Dicastery responds that “it is possible to provide a sacred, defined and permanent place for the collection and communal storage of the ashes of the baptized deceased, providing personal data for each person so as not to destroy the nominal memory. “. The Church therefore allows the possibility of depositing the ashes in a common place, as is the case with ossuaries, but preserving the nominal memory of each deceased individually. Finally, it says that, in accordance with civil norms, the ecclesiastical authority, excluding any “pantheistic, naturalistic or nihilistic misunderstandings,” may “consider and evaluate a request for the ashes of the deceased to be kept in a sacred place.” a family to properly preserve a minimal portion of their relatives' ashes in a place significant to their history.

In response to a question from the Vatican media, the dicastery explained that the intervention and assessment of the ecclesiastical authority is not only canonical but also pastoral in nature, to help the family discern what decisions to make, taking all factors into account.

Noting that some laws do not allow the division of the ashes of the deceased, the Dicastery added that the second question arose from a dialogue between bishops of different countries, on which Cardinal Zuppi commented, and the possibility arises from theological and I did not consider it on civil law grounds, as was later clarified in the answer.

Source: Vatican News

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