1709582434 where the third season was filmed all filming locations

where the third season was filmed, all filming locations

Rai audience in uproar, Lolita Lobosco's investigation returns. After the incredible ratings success of the first two seasons, the new cases of the deputy chief, played by Luisa Ranieri, return to prime time from March 4th.

Lolita Lobosco 3Lolita Lobosco 3 returns to prime time on Rai 1 – (ilcorrieredellacitta.com)

The third season starts Lolita Loboscoone of the leading formats – like Doc – in the area Via Mazzini. Luisa Ranieri is ready to take on the role Deputy Chief of the State Police make responsible for a Team consisting only of men. There desperate search for justice will still be the underlying theme third chapteror to reconcile with the still very strong prejudices against women at the top. And then there Lobosco's privacy: Beauty, intelligence and new encounters. All against the backdrop of the usual brutal cases that need to be solved.

Lolita Lobosco 3: What we will see in this third season, previews

Then, if some of the ingredients that made the fiction famous remain unchanged, some innovations will fundamentally change the balance between the series' protagonists. Start right away Lolita: meet a man In fact, it might cause her to change her mind about love despite the failures in her previous relationships. Will it really be like that? But there is also news for the other characters in the series.

For example Nunzia and Carmela Who will leave the house of their life to open one? Farmhouse together with Trifone. For his part Hello Instead, he prepares diligently to interpret the book in the best possible way Role as father of twins and finally Anthony that he has to keep up Portia: the goal? Avoid mistakes that could cost you dearly. In this brief overview we also mention Marietta, the protagonist's lifelong friend who struggles with her habit Search for love and happiness contradicting clichés. In short, we'll see some good ones.

Lolita Lobosco 3: Complete cast

“The Investigations of Lolita Lobosco”it is a production Bibi Film TV And Zocotoco in collaboration with Rai Fiction. We remember that the story comes loosely from the novels of Gabriella Genisi (edited by Sonzogno and Marsilio Editori). This third season, produced by Angelo Barbagallo and Luca Zingaretti, is directed Renato De Maria. Screenplay by Daniela Gambaro, Massimo Reale, Vanessa Picciarelli, Chiara Laudani.

Now let's take a look at the full cast of this third chapter:

  • Luisa Ranieri – Lolita Lobosco
  • Daniele Pecci – Leon
  • Giovanni Ludeno – Antonio Forte
  • Jacopo Cullin – Lello Esposito
  • Bianca Nappi – Marietta
  • Giulia Fiume – Carmela Lobosco
  • Camilla Diana – Caterina
  • Claudia Lerro – Portia
  • Daniela Virgilio – Beatrice Cavalli
  • Donata Frisini – Saint
  • Francesco De Vito – Prof. Introna
  • Aldo Ottobrino – Petresine
  • Vincenzo De Michele – Agent Scivitarro
  • Gian Piero Rotoli – Silent Agent
  • Giovanni Trombetta – Agent Calopresti
  • Vanni Bramati – Calogero Avitabile
  • Maurizio Donadoni – Trifone
  • Nunzia Schiano – Andreina
  • Ninni Bruschetta – Police Commissioner Jacovella
  • Mario Sgueglia – Angelo
  • Lunetta Savino – Nunzia Lobosco

Where the drama was filmed: all locations

Luisa Ranieri plays the deputy commissioner of the police station State police in Baritherefore we will find many of them in this third chapter Beauties of Puglia. Filming for this third season took place last summer: the filming locations included the Pane e Pomodoro beach – where Lolita goes running with her friend Marietta – while the police station is nothing else Palmieri Palace in Monopoli.

Lolita Lobosco 3Lolita Lobosco 3: all locations of the third season – (ilcorrieredellacitta.com)

Many of the locations are also in Bari, and it couldn't be otherwise, with some places that can be identified: from Odegitria Square (where Lolita's house is), al Nazario Sauro right by the seato the neighborhood Japigiawhere in fiction we see the polyclinic that in reality houses the offices of the metropolis of Bari.

How many episodes are there: Episode plot

Now let's take a look at the number of episodes of this third chapter. The production shot a total of four episodes the same number of times Prime time on Rai 1. Unless the schedule changes, the drama should air with a A new episode every Monday.

Escape from Pindaric – March 4th

Lolita He renews his skydiving license and, just as he reaches the airfield, witnesses a terrible accident: a young woman's parachute fails to open and the jump ends in tragedy. The deputy chief of Bari meets Leon, A charming gallery owner: How will the story unfold between the two?

If You Want to Die – March 11th

A man is killed during a masquerade party. Lolita She is invited by her lifelong friend Marietta and in the end she is almost forced to participate: and a crime will disrupt the evening. However, the investigation will prove extremely complicated and it will be for the best Leon to give the investigation a turning point.

Terrarossa – March 18th

Lolita She deals with the suicide of a young agricultural entrepreneur, but it doesn't convince her. Maybe there's more to it than that? In fact, the policewoman suspects that it was a murder disguised as a suicide, perhaps to punish a woman who was too enterprising and progressive.

A Bad Deal – March 25th

Another round, another body you might say. The lifeless body of a person emerges from the water of a country lake. Lolita Lobosco He rushes to the crime scene with his men and they begin investigating to find out who the victim is. And thus solve the last case.