“Where’s the message from Key?”: Brothers wonder about the disappearance of BBB 23 dynamics Splash

Cara de Sapato, MC Guimê and Bruna Griphao found it strange that they hadn’t yet received the famous message from the eliminated, from BBB 23 (Globo).

While chatting in the kitchen, the brothers speculated as to why they hadn’t gotten the message from Key Alves, the latest to leave the reality show.

Bruna believes the production itself decided not to do more, fearing the former contestants might broadcast too many messages. MC Guimê, on the other hand, felt that there was a more serious problem, or even Key himself not agreeing to make the recording.

Bruno: “No, she didn’t want to break the contract like that.”

What’s the message? After elimination, the contestant will record a message for all contestants, which will be broadcast in the room of the most watched house in Brazil.

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