While vacationing in an Airbnb, her 19 month old daughter takes fentanyl at home and dies of an overdose

A 19-month-old girl was taking fentanyl, a drug 100 times stronger than morphine, in an Airbnb in Florida. She died.

French people living in Guadeloupe have experienced a terrible tragedy, TF1 reports. Post-Covid, the couple booked a home on Airbnb in Palm Beach, Florida for a week’s vacation. They go with their children.

But a few hours after her arrival, she was amazed: her youngest daughter Enora, 19 months, does not wake up after a nap. “We find out that our daughter simply died at 3 p.m.,” says the father of the family to our colleagues. “We thought it was sudden infant death syndrome and we had no clue that the danger might be in this house.”

In fact, the autopsy shows that Enora died from an overdose of fentanyl, a drug 100 times stronger than morphine. “As soon as I read it, I went to Google. I typed in the word fentanyl because I wanted to know what it is,” the father explains.

The police suspect the former tenants of the villa, who had organized a party in the house a few days earlier. Some guests took drugs there.

Enora’s parents have decided to file a complaint against the rental platform for negligence. “In fact, someone just didn’t do the housework right and that’s hard,” says the mother.

However, the investigation stalled because the American police had no formal proof of the origin of fentanyl. All parties disclaim any liability for the time being.

Elsa P