1670388866 While you are in politics world hunger increases

While you are in politics, world hunger increases

While you are in politics world hunger increases

Hunger, malnutrition and rising world prices are the result of an unsustainable economic system, which in turn makes people who have devoted themselves to agriculture and animal husbandry extremely vulnerable to food speculation. The Covid-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine have exposed this fragility.

It cannot be overlooked that global food supply chains, controlled by a small group of large corporations, are hugely dependent on fossil fuels and chemical inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.). This deals a severe blow to the domestic consumer economy, especially the most vulnerable groups, as energy inflation comes on top of food inflation. At the same time, industrial food production contributes to CO2 emissions and environmental degradation.

It is impossible to talk about the world’s food and economic system without emphasizing the shame that well into the 21st century there is no end to the persistent and scandalous hunger that is exposing the structural problems of the economic model. A situation that has lasted for a long time, although aggravated by the war between Russia and Ukraine. According to the FAO, between 702 and 828 million people were affected by hunger in 2021.

To address the global social and environmental emergency, the 50th Plenary Session of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the organization’s main integrative body responsible for addressing the food security issue, was held. States and participants came together to try to end hunger and coordinate policy responses to global food shortages. The debates became embroiled in a discursive battle between two geopolitical blocs, led by Russia and the United States, trying to find acceptable language for the war in Ukraine and sanctions: When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled.

This has led to a historic deadlock. An unprecedented situation in the 40-year history of the CFS, in which the parties decided to postpone discussions and resume the session on December 19.

Both [Rusia y Estados Unidos] They favored a weakened body incapable of dealing with relevant issues such as human rights, trade or food systems transformation

Because of this, it was not possible to conclude the session or take a decision on how to respond to the growing food crisis. An obstacle that cannot be explained solely in geopolitical terms, as we have seen once again how quickly the two blocs unite when it comes to undermining the role of the committee. Both preferred a weakened body unable to deal with relevant issues such as human rights, trade or the transformation of food systems. Other agro-exporting countries like Brazil and Argentina are on this line, which deliberately support this paralysis in the negotiations.

On the other hand, the Member States of the European Union, although more committed to responding to the crisis, have not mobilized enough to prevent the situation from worsening. In fact, they made their position clear by hiding behind the blockade position and washing their hands to maintain the status quo.

The structural causes of the food crisis

On the other side were African and Latin American countries, as well as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, who strongly supported the need for a globally coordinated policy response led by the CFS. In this sense, the Mechanism of Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples (CSIPM) presented evidence showing a sharp increase in inequalities in all regions and pointed to the structural and interrelated causes that reinforce and perpetuate the food crisis: from indebtedness to unfair trade and investment rules on dependence on food imports.

The mandate of the CFS is clear. It must coordinate a response to the world’s alarming food insecurity, based on the human right to adequate food. It is unacceptable that there are countries that misuse these spaces for their strategic purposes and endanger the lives of millions of people without making the right decisions. Therefore we believe that the CFS must act now.

Given the increasing urgency to deal with the food shortages in many countries and the serious situation that producers and consumers are also experiencing in our country, a determined response from the Spanish government is needed. Gabriel Ferrero, Spanish Ambassador and President of the World Food Security Committee, must act decisively. The administration should engage in inclusive dialogue and lead to coordinated global policies to prevent future crises.

The undersigned organizations, in coordination with the CSIPM, which represents hundreds of small-scale food producers, consumers, indigenous peoples, pastoralists, fishermen, women, youth, people living under urban food insecurity, the landless, agricultural and food workers, we demand that politicians act. For our part, we reach out our hand to contribute to this process, to propose, debate and find solutions that put people and planet at the center of policy decisions.

Blanca Ruibal is the coordinator of Friends of the Earth. andoni garcia He is a member of the COAG Board of Directors. David Sanchez He is Director of CECU.

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