The LeoDias column noted that Whindersson Nunes had returned to follow his exwife Luísa Sonza on Instagram. However, she still hasn’t returned the episode. Separated for more than two years, they even met a few times this year. Most recently on Rock in Rio, when he watched the singer’s show and praised her in an interview. “Who isn’t proud?” he said.
The first signs of a rapprochement are not new. Fans of the excouple have already found out that mutual friends have “forced” them to meet up from time to time. Whether because of work, the presence or the mere coincidence of life (?), Whindersson and Luísa meet more and more often.
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Whindersson Nunes and Luisa Sonza
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Luisa Sonza and Whindersson
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Single since August last year, when she broke up with singer Vitão, Luísa Sonza has not started a romance, but she has already kissed a lot. Former BBB Paulo André and actor João Guilherme join the list.
At the same time that Luísa and Vitão broke up, Whindersson was also single. Since then, the comedian has not accepted a relationship.
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