1664834287 Whistle at Giovanni Ciacci at GF Vip Signorini You saw

Whistle at Giovanni Ciacci at GF Vip, Signorini: “You saw him on the ground and you were indifferent”

Big Brother VIP 2022/2023

Alfonso Signorini addresses the issue of Marco Bellavia leaving the GF Vip house. Giovanni Ciacci forced to face his responsibilities says he didn’t realize he was unwell. But the audience doesn’t believe it and whistles it.

Whistle at Giovanni Ciacci at GF Vip Signorini You saw

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Big Brother VIP 2022/2023

At the beginning of the episode of Big brother VIP Airing Monday October 3rd Alfonso Signorini nailed the reality show contestants about their responsibilities. The conductor’s premise was clear, he would have understood the incident with the images consumed day after day in the house: “What is beginning now is not a simple episode. Throughout Big Brother’s history, competitors have often quit abruptly, but Marco Bellavia’s exit is not like everyone else’s. In the house, Bellavia showed an uneasiness, a psychological fragility that surprised us and that also filled the entire audience with an emotional current, which showed solidarity with him, joined with him. It’s a story that has many losers, and it’s right that everyone takes their own responsibility. Competitors who, despite his messages of help, have displayed appalling behavior of indifference, lack of empathy, and lack of solidarity will take on them.

Alfonso Signorini: ‘We didn’t notice Marco Bellavia’s discomfort’

Signorini took some responsibility for what happened: “We are to blame too because we didn’t notice Marco’s suffering, I didn’t notice it when I had two tests and I didn’t see it in his eyes, in his gestures. Those who did not recognize their situation from a medical point of view are also to blame. So we put him on a program that made his discomfort worse. Marco looks at tonight and we say goodbye. This story is about Marco who can’t be in the studio tonight but we hope he can come to us soon but it’s also about the confrontations against which very tough measures are being taken and it’s about this program made of real life. It could all suck, it can be. It’s a punch in the pit of the stomach. We’re not in county court in a day, I’m not interested in doing court martials, but we want to tell a story.

Giovanni Ciacci: “I didn’t notice” and the audience whistled at him

After showing the competitors in the house part of the videos of the moments before Marco’s departure, Signorini questioned the competitors. Giovanni Ciacci he was one of the first to answer for his indifference. In one video in particular, he can be seen indifferently overtaking Marco while suffering curled up on the ground. “What hurts me the most isn’t the words. You’ll tell me you don’t get it, and I can’t blame you. What hurts me is the gestures I saw. It hurt to see one person huddled in pain and two walking by. Indifference hurts, Giovanni, that indifference you fought so hard against. You threw yourself against prejudice, ignorance that I saw on your part”. Ciacci tried to defend himself: “I was angry with him for what he said, I didn’t understand his discomfort. We didn’t understand what was going on, when we found him on the ground we didn’t know if he was crying or praying”, but the audience interrupted him with a whistle and Signorini attacked him: “At least don’t say shit sorry”.