Divulgao/TV Globo Redao TV Observatory
01/02/2023 05:48
The column found that out Ana Clara Lima was selected to stand by and replace Thaddeus Schmidt command if necessary big 23 the premiere on January 16th.
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For those who don’t know André Marques was the BBB’s backup presenter at the time Tiago Leifert was running the lead channel’s detention reality.
If nothing changes, Srgio Loroza Be one of the members of the Camarote do BBB 23 to be commanded by again Thaddeus Schmidt.
Srgio Loroza backstage at Globo
Remember Klebber Toledo, Bruno Cabrerizo (actor), Solange Couto, Thiago Martins (actor), Juan Paiva (actor), Raphael Vicente (digital influencer), MC Guim (singer), Bruno Carneiro (Fred from channel Desimpedidos), Luza Tom (actress ), Carol Nakamura (actress), Rafael Infante (actor), Sophia Abraho (actress), Ricky Tavares (actor), Hortencia Marcari (former athlete), Paula Fernandes (singer), Ana Hikari (actress), Arthur Zanetti (athlete) , Marcella Rica (Actress), Pedro Novaes (Actor) and Rmulo Arantes Neto (Actor) are given for the highest billing reality of plimplim.
What is the BBB’s confidentiality penalty?
Tadeu Schmidt backstage at BBB
When the artist or anonymously discloses project informationThaddeus Schmidtfor the press, the participant is obliged to pay a fine of 1,500,000.00 (One and a half million reais)for the marine company.
This post Who are the participants of BBB 23? Check out the full list of quotes first published on TV Observatory.