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WHO condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza hospital news

The World Health Organization (WHO) accused Israel of “unjust” attacks on a hospital in the city of Khan Yunis, in southern Gaza. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent emergency service, at least five civilians were killed in the attacks, including a five-day-old child, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wrote on the online platform X that evening.

14,000 people were accommodated in Al-Amal Hospital. Many of them would have already left. “Today’s bombings are relentless,” wrote Tedros. The health system in the coastal area isolated by Israel is already in ruins. Health and support staff are constantly hampered in their efforts to save lives due to hostilities.

“I join international calls for an immediate ceasefire,” Tedros wrote. The people of Gaza continued to receive only a fraction of the aid they had access to before the war.