Who is richer between the Ferraris and the Agnellis The

Who is richer between the Ferraris and the Agnellis? The answer is not obvious and will shock you TuttoMotoriWeb.it

Today we are going to look at an interesting topic involving a comparison between the wealth of the Agnellis and that of Piero Ferrari. Here are the dates.

The Ferrari family almost entirely thanks to Enzo gave birth to the myth that bears his name, a masterpiece that is the envy of the whole world. Drake began his adventure at a young age, at the beginning of the last century when he set up his own stable in 1929 and managed the racing department of the stablesAlfa Romeo. Agnelli Elkann Ferrari Net Worth ComparisonHere is Agnelli Elkann Ferrari who is richer (ANSA/AdobeStock) – Tuttomotoriweb.it

After the difficult times of World War II, the Drake founded the Ferrari real, and in 1947 the first red, the 125 S, was presented. From that moment a real legend was born, based on sensational supercars and successes on circuits around the world.

Another kingdom linked to our land is that of the Agnelli family, whose history begins much earlier. In fact, this lineage had its roots in Piedmont in the 17th century, and a split between the two groups occurred almost immediately. One started investing in the world of entrepreneurship with the very first industries of his time, while the other focused on important professions such as doctors and lawyers.

To this day it is lambs They control a large portion of the businesses on our planet and touch many different areas such as publishing, automobiles, soccer, banking and more. The Maranello house we talked about earlier is in their hands as the Cavallino is one of them exor and the president is John Elkann.

Despite this surname, Elkann is an Agnelli in every sense, being the son of Margherita, Gianni’s sister, known as the Lawyer, and Umberto, the two most representative members of the modern era of this family. He is also Andreas’s cousin, until recently President of the juventusas well as brother of the much discussed Lapo.

Ferrari, here are the asset comparisons with Agnelli and Elkann

Piero Ferrari is the son of Enzo, who inherited practically his entire fortune and also owns a 10% stake. of Cavallino shares. His individual wealth makes him richer than individual family members lambsbecause it touches on, you think, the absurd figure of $5 billion, according to the magazine forbes. Piero Ferrari and his legacy (ANSA)Piero Ferrari and the money he has (ANSA) – Tuttomotoriweb.it

In short, a truly insane legacy while the groups are controlled by families lambs And Elcan They touch numbers of 150 billion, but it is clear that we are not talking about liquidity or ownership, but that it is a value that is also based on the values ​​of the companies they control. The legacy of John Elkann equals about $1.8 billion, while Lapo’s is much less important but is still $7 million. There are 14 of them Andrea AgnelliTherefore, no one can think of competing with the son of EnzoFerrari.

Margherita Agnelli’s cherished legacy is also enormous, namely Lapo and John’s mother who has a $900 million inheritance to take care of. In short, it must be said that these giants of entrepreneurship are certainly not lacking in capital, but in this case Mr. Piero beat them all.