Who is Sheynnis Palacios the Nicaraguan who won Miss Universe

Who is Sheynnis Palacios, the Nicaraguan who won Miss Universe 2023 and how was her participation in the beauty pageant ?

Miss Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios, was crowned on November 18th the most beautiful woman in the world in Miss Universe 2023. On this occasion, the beauty pageant was held in El Salvador, a country that hosted the event for the second time. Although the Central American emerged as one of the favorites, she was always surprised when the crown was placed on her head.

The 72nd edition of Miss Universe made history because it wasn’t just Nicaragua won for the first timeThese included married, plus-size participants and two transgender women.

Sheynnis Palacios He received the crown and sash from his predecessor, the American R’Bonney Gabriel. While Australia’s Moraya Wilson was the second runner-up and Miss Thailand Anntonia Porsild was the third runner-up.

Palacios said Remember humility and gratitude for the little ones Things like its main qualities, it won among 84 participants who took part in preliminary competitions in swimsuits, evening dresses and traditional dresses for a week.

The representative of Nicaragua stood out in the jury’s final question the importance of equal pay so that women can “work in any field”.

As Palacios bid farewell to Nicaragua before the competition, he expressed an emotional message highlighting this After hard work, it was time to represent the country. In addition to the quote from Rubé Darío, the prince of literature: “If the country is small, a big one dreams of it.”

Who is Miss Nicaragua, Sheynnis Palacios?

Sheynnis Alondra Palacios Cornejo is originally from Managua, Nicaragua and is 23 years old. She is a model, has a degree in communications from Central American University and is part of the podcast “Understand your mind” where she talks about mental health.

This problem is one of the most important for the Nicaraguan, as she has confessed that she suffers from depression and has suffered from anxiety in recent years.

“At the moment, In my emotional sphere I am confronted with great fears. The most difficult challenge is controlling them, especially when you realize that you are about to suffer an anxiety attack. The frustrating thing is Even if you have the tools to control them, you can’t. This is the challenge that I struggle to overcome every day,” Palacios said in a video for Miss Universe Nicaragua last October.

The 23-year-old describes herself as someone sincere, noble, understanding, passionateextroverted, resilient and empathetic. Palacios is the daughter of a single mother, who had to leave the country, so he took care of his little brother.

Palacios has experience in beauty pageants since she was named Miss Teen Nicaragua in 2016 and was crowned Miss World Nicaragua in 2020, later competing in Miss Universe.

Sheynnis Palacios in Miss Universe 2023

The Miss Universe 2023 pageant began on November 15 with an event attended by more than 80 contestants They paraded in swimsuits and evening dresses. In the first outfit, Palacios wore a two-piece swimsuit in a pale pink color and with details on the chest.

Then he used one for the gala dress Dress by designer Jared Bermúdez, with silver and blue tones. She also wore a light blue cape that emphasized how the clothing accentuated her figure.

“Sheynnis’ dress took the longest process I’ve ever done. A week and a half of planning, a week of building and perfecting the base shape, three days of working on a stereotype, a week of making the base and almost three weeks of gluing on the rhinestones. It carries around 100,000 crystal stones and weighs about 7 pounds“, explained the designer on social networks.

Then on November 16, participants paraded in regional costumes that highlight their country’s culture. Palacios inspired his clothing from the Grackle, a species endemic to Central America. This bird’s black plumage was detailed on her dress with purple tones.

“I open my wings to the wind and am the elegant and beautiful Grackle of deep black colors, with iridescent tones and beautiful song. I am the inspiration to create this beautiful piece in dark tones represents adversity that, with dazzling flashes, is the sign that there is always a light at the end of the road“ was the description that the new Miss Universe gave of this suit on social networks.

On the evening of the grand gala where she was crowned Miss Universe 2023, she expressed on her social networks: “We have arrived at the day that my inner child has been waiting for the most and which is now a dream of more than 6 million Nicaraguans will be accompanied.” Tonight I dedicate it to my inner child and to each of the girls who want to fulfill this dream.“Not even the sky is the limit, dream so big that people think it is impossible to achieve them, because then you know that your dreams and goals will overcome all barriers and remember to take them with you Determination, perseverance and passion accompany you.”

His comment on Instagram had more than 75,000 likes in the first few hours.