A column by Todor Ovtcharov
“If they deport you, I will visit you!”, my friend Andreas tells me and laughs. I also laugh because I know Andreas is a prankster. But it's not funny at all when the leader of a party says on television that it's not a bad idea to deport millions of people based on the principle of nationality. This was discussed at a meeting of right-wing extremists. This should also be discussed here.
FM4 Radio
Who will be deported first? The store owners who also open on Sundays! Where can you buy minced meat if you realize on Sunday that you don't have any meat and really want to eat lasagna? To paraphrase Marie Antoinette, if there's no lasagna, you should eat cake. Then the taxi driver who takes you to your favorite club on Saturday is deported. Then you have two options: either don't go clubbing or don't drink alcohol. Deporting taxi drivers will result in less alcohol consumption, which is a good thing.
After that, your elderly parents' caregiver will be deported. This initially leads to difficulties, but can also have a positive effect: without care, the elderly will die earlier and the State will need less money for care and pensions. Then the doctor who operated on his hemorrhoids last week is deported. Then the plumber who unblocked your blocked sink. Then the sushi chef from the Asian restaurant next door. And finally Todor, who writes this column for you.
I don't know how you can deal with this, but if you can live with a clogged sink, no care for the elderly and no lasagna on Sundays, you can handle it too. And my friend Andreas will then be able to come and visit me in Bulgaria or North Africa, where all the deportees will live. At least it's warmer there in January.