Why December 11th will be great luck for love in

Why December 11th will be great luck for love in 3 zodiac signs

It's hard to go wrong with a Sagittarius Moon, and with the help of Monday's shining star, Mercury sextile Venus, we may come to know December 11, 2023 as a truly exciting day for lovers. This is an interesting series of events because we start the day on the right foot and then realize that every step we take seems to lead us to success.

There is a lot of positive energy in the air right now, and we could harness that energy in almost any department that needs it. Still, with Mercury sextile Venus as the “lucky charm” on Monday, we'll find that romance is the area that could use the most help, and with three zodiac signs, that's where we'll be putting our focus.

This Sagittarius Moon also affects our focus, and it is because of this craziness that we can harness the power of Mercury so well. On Monday, we can expect to tell the people we love what we mean and phrase our words and sentences in a way that makes us seem compassionate, empathetic, and patient… exactly what our romantic partners need from us Time.

Why December 11 love horoscope will bring good luck for three zodiac signs:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

What feels good to you on Monday is your sense of righteousness. You know what is right and what is wrong, and while you have ignored this sense in the past because you thought you could escape or circumvent fate, you will during the transit of Mercury sextile Venus on this day, the December 11, 2023, realize your instincts are right. You are focused and balanced and will achieve everything you set your sights on.

Sagittarius energy always works well for you as fire signs tend to support each other. It's the vibe you get from Mercury sextile Venus that really kills you when it comes to love and romance. You wanted to take your relationship to the next level, and you're honest with yourself: it scares you. Still, you feel like you need to be brave and do what's best for you, and that starts with an intense, meaningful conversation with your partner.

You already know that they will agree to whatever you suggest, and you have realized that this is also the reason why you love and trust them so much. Monday lets you know that you are the deciding factor in this love affair. It's up to you to steer it in the direction it ultimately goes, and you like that feeling because it puts you in the driver's seat and makes you feel like you're in control.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22nd – January 19th)

As the year comes to an end you will feel it in many ways and there will be days when melancholy takes over and you wonder what the future will bring. Fortunately, Monday is not one of those days as this day, December 11, 2023, comes to you with the gift of Mercury sextile Venus. It is precisely this transit that makes you not care so much about the big future. Monday is the celebration of love.

You and your love partner will put aside your nagging and petty complaints because through this transit you both know that time is fleeting and scarce and that if we do not start this program, we will wake up at 90 years old, full of regrets and thoughts about how much time we wasted. On Monday, during Mercury sextile Venus, your eyes will open to this fact, Capricorn.

While this doesn't cause you to panic as you don't see an impending end, you find that it's best to appreciate the now moment as all seems right in your world. So why not be happy with Monday and why not be happy with the person you made it this far with? Monday will give you the insight of a wise man, and your wisdom will show you that what you have right now is precious. Appreciate it. Cherish the days.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20th – February 18th)

On Monday, December 11, 2023, you will evaluate the value of your relationship as you feel like you have been too hard on yourself and taken your frustrations out on the person you love. This day brings you the transit of Mercury sextile Venus, and this allows you to get to the point when it comes to deciphering the true meaning behind things. On Monday, you are no longer interested in wasting time; You have something good and you know it.

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What this day also awakens in you is the idea that life goes by quickly and that we just have so much time to waste on drama or avoidance. There were so many things you didn't do just because you assumed you had all the time in the world to do them. Well, now is the time, and when it comes to love and you, Aquarius, it's time to take your own life seriously. This is YOUR life after all, so go out and live it.

What really works for you is that all of this enthusiasm comes from within yourself; You are not someone who automatically opens yourself to suggestions from others. So if you're influenced by Mercury sextile Venus, don't see it as encouragement from a friend or family member. You may recognize that you have a romance that needs attention and that you need to take care of it. You feel like this is an authentic move on your part, and you're happy to do what's necessary.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.