That Slavery was officially abolished United States of America in 1863but it legally exists as a punishment for a crime for convicted prisoners in several states across the country.
On November 8th, in the last midterm elections, US citizens decided whether they wanted to stick with it. As a result, Alabama, Oregon, Tennessee and Vermont They voted to abolish forced labor in prisons to outlaw slavery altogether. However, it was decided to maintain the legality of forced labor: Louisiana.
Louisiana has one of the most notorious prison labor systems in the country. Photo: Getty Images
The Louisiana Case: Why Did You Oppose the Amendment?
In the state of Louisianathe 61% opposed the deletion of the article allowing voluntary easements. As reported by Aristegui Noticias, lawmakers recommended that the populace make this decision, arguing that the voting measure contained ambiguous language that did not prohibit involuntary servitude in the criminal justice system.
“2,135,759. That’s the number of people who voted to keep slavery legal in 5 states on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. 790,133 were in Louisiana,” he wrote. Max ParthasCampaign Coordinator National Network for the Abolition of Slaveryan organization working to expand the number of states that outlaw slavery without exception.
Current law states that “slavery and involuntary servitude are forbidden, except in the latter case as punishment for a crime”. While the new proposal proposed deleting the phrase “except in the latter case as a punishment for a crime”, wording that caused the confusion mentioned above.
Edmond Jordan, a Democratic state official from the city of Baton Rouge, told the BBC that he had withdrawn his initial support for the measure after doing a “more detailed reading of the proposal” and claimed his decision was based on not doing it wanting a pity” and that compliance with the law would not worsen the current situation. He also said he plans to review the law and campaign for its passage in 2023.
A group of chained prisoners photographed in 1909. Photo: Getty Images
modern slavery
Modern slavery “is nothing but the slavery of antiquity brought into the world today,” it says Caroline RudnikPresident of the Chilean Foundation freeand adds that crimes such as forced labourDebt bondage, pimping or child trafficking.
Currently there are about in the country 800,000 people deprived of their freedom and working without pay, according to the Sputnik media. These are recruited every summer to fight forest fires; they work at making eyeglasses, license plates, and park benches; or food processing, mostly through outsourcing companies.
After voting last month more than a dozen states They still have constitutions that include language that allows slavery and involuntary servitude of captives.