“Why does he have to be silent”, Putin’s “ally” president? Daily free


“Better than in Brussels Joe Biden and the other 29 heads of state and government remain silent. Don’t use rhetoric and focus on the only strategy that can bring the Russian dictator to his knees permanently.” Edward Luttwak He doesn’t mince his words and calls on all countries to stop wasting their time. The priority is to end the war in Ukraine. Also because the conditions for resolving the conflict seem to be in place: “The invasion failed. Putin will have to acknowledge this and withdraw. It doesn’t have enough strength for a trench war, a war of attrition,” the wellknown military strategy expert and Pentagon adviser for decades told Al Giorno.

Thank God I'm a conscientious objector.  And Luttwak breaks Di Battista: Chaos directed by Floris |  Video

According to Luttwak, we should “that is, keep sending weapons and supplies of all kinds to Zelensky the great protagonist of this conflict “. However, according to some, the fact that Russia is collapsing should worry us, as Putin with his back to the wall could decide to resort to nuclear and chemical weapons. However, the expert sees it differently: “I don’t see this danger. They would also affect the safety of the Russian and Belarusian population.”

Italian?  You can shut up.  Edward Luttwak, sensational slap for the government: a farce in Ukraine?

For the former Pentagon adviser, we must therefore continue along the path of sanctions: “So far they are working”. With the embargo on oil and natural gas imports, on which no decision has yet been made by Europe, Luttwak got under the wheels: “It’s April. The winter is over. Europeans put on a sweater instead of stopping the heat.

door sfi*** a.  The Sky vs Luttwak correspondent, Floris gaping: The frost is falling |  Video