Why Joe Alwyn Wont Open Up About Taylor Swifts Relationship

Why Joe Alwyn Won’t Open Up About Taylor Swift’s Relationship After 5 Years of Dating

Joe Alwyn may be the main man on Conversations with Friends, but he’s Taylor Swift’s longtime one off-screen. Even so, after more than five years of dating Swift, Alwyn is still adamant about keeping their relationship private. For ELLE UK, the British actor spoke about his struggle to understand the public’s interest in their relationship and why people in society think sharing details about your partnership is the norm.

He’s not talking about Swift, “It’s not really [because I] wanting to be guarded and private, it’s more of a reaction to something else,” he said with a shrug. “We live in a culture that’s becoming more pushy … The more you give — and frankly, even if you don’t give it — something is taken away from you.” And that’s all he’s offered about his personal life this time.

Swift made a similar point about protecting her privacy when speaking to The Guardian in August 2019 about why she won’t discuss their relationship in interviews.

“I’ve learned that when I do it, people think it’s up for discussion and our relationship isn’t up for discussion,” she said, laughing. “If you and I had a glass of wine right now, we’d talk about it – but it’s just that it’s getting out into the world. That’s where the limit is, and that’s where my life became manageable. I really want it to feel manageable.”

In February, a source told Entertainment Tonight that Swift and Alwyn remain happy with their decision to keep their personal lives to themselves. “[They] are very happy in their relationship [and prefer to] keep their personal life private,” the source said.

“They enjoyed their time as a couple,” the source added. “They have discussed their future together and feel very secure in their relationship.”

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