Why North Korea is threatening a revenge war against the

Why North Korea is threatening a “revenge war” against the US

Martial propaganda is part of the ritual in North Korea. But suspicion of a return of the corona epidemic is growing.

How deep must the frustration be? Apparently, the embarrassment over the spy satellite that crashed on May 31 shortly after takeoff is hard on the North Korean regime’s bones. There is no other explanation for the fact that the dictator Kim Jong-un took advantage of the 73rd anniversary of the North Korean invasion of South Korea, which was not very glorious for his dynasty, to threaten revenge against the United States. In front of supposedly 120,000 workers and students on Sunday at the central stadium “1. May” announced the threat of war.

Photos in the officially controlled media show combative people holding signs such as “the imperialist US is peace destroyers”, “we will end the imperialist US invaders” or even “the entire American continent is within our reach”. The casserole is apparently intended to again incite hatred of the class enemy. Even in schools and kindergartens, the official government version is being taught that the United States provoked the war in 1950 and left “deep wounds” on all North Koreans born after that “can never be healed”.

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The Korean War (1950-53) ended with a de facto defeat of the invading Communist army. A US-led alliance of UN forces militarily repelled the invasion, despite the fact that an estimated one million Chinese “volunteers” were fighting alongside then-dictator Kim Il-sung. The regime in Pyongyang was lucky that an interim ceasefire saved the Kim clique. A regular peace deal is still pending 70 years later.