Why should the US fear the IsraelPalestine conflict more than

Why should the US fear the IsraelPalestine conflict more than China?

The real damage to American leadership lies in the hatred it continually foments.

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Global Times The IsraeliPalestinian conflict began because of hatred, which will only grow and become more of a challenge for future generations. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were fueled by hate, and Americans are asking: Why do they hate America? There was even an international bestseller that explained this: “Why Do People Hate America?” (By Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies.)

It is possible to create enemies to motivate each other, but this will inevitably undermine mutual trust and breed hostility, with the potential to trigger a confrontational strategic escalation until both sides view each other as enemies. However, antagonism does not necessarily immediately lead to hatred, unless the antagonism leads to war. Hatred comes from war and death. In the abyss of hate, peace becomes an elusive dream. Bruce Riedel, a scholar at the Brookings Foundation in the US, wrote this in a July 27, 2020 article titled “30 years after our ‘endless wars’ began in the Middle East, there is still no end in sight.”

After World War II, the United States fought 13 wars of varying sizes around the world, seven of which were related to the Middle East. In 2001, the US began the war in Afghanistan, which lasted until August 2021. In March 2003, the United States fabricated and spread the lie that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction (WMD), justifying the start of a fullscale war in Iraq. Since 2014, the US has waged a series of wars with military interventions against Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

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The Middle East region is already plagued by hostility and hatred, deeply rooted in the historical conflict between Western and Islamic civilizations. As the war in Gaza continues, the Middle East is once again filled with anger. This anger is directed not only against Israel, but also against Israel’s largest supporter, the USA. U.S. warships and bases stationed in the Middle East could become embroiled in conflict at any time and become sources of hatred.

Washington has failed to make a balanced decision between supporting Israel’s “revenge” and alleviating the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. US politicians did not even dare to mention the word “ceasefire”. Washington demands that other countries “act in accordance with international rules,” but in the case of the Palestinian issue, Israel has not complied with UN resolutions.

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The US is still the most powerful country in the world, but if it fails to bring greater peace, the erosion of its leadership is inevitable. The threat to the US is therefore much greater than the perceived challenge posed by China’s growth. The illusion that China has a comprehensive strategy to replace or surpass the United States and take control of the world order has been exaggerated as a matter of life and death by those strategists in Washington who do not even understand China the USA is represented. They forget that the real damage to American leadership lies in the hatred it continually foments.

The US relies primarily on its strong military to maintain order. However, their commitment to inclusive development is not enough. Even when commitment exists, it often comes with rigid ideological standards, leading to the continued marginalization of certain nations and populations. This contributes to the resurgence of conflicts in the Middle East.

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After recognizing the socalled competition from China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the US introduced its own Belt and Road. But Washington’s planning for this strategy still focuses on maintaining its leadership and balancing rivals, rather than on providing common and inclusive development.

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