Why the diagnosis of autism, even late like Sabatella, is important

The discovery of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) is becoming increasingly common in adults. Even in the “mature” stage of life, the diagnosis helps to make life easier by helping people who have lived for years feeling different and out of place to understand their condition.

This was the case for Letícia Sabatella, who, at the age of 52, recently said that she had been diagnosed with mild ASD. She shared the information during an appearance on the Papagaio Falante podcast.

A The actress discovered that she had ASD with the help of a psychiatrist and neurologist. Sabatella mentioned that choosing theater and art was a way to deal with her hypersensitivity and unique perspective on things, which are characteristics of this diagnosis.

She described her condition as simultaneously active and passive, which gave her perception of reality a sense of naivety.

But what leads to late diagnosis?

Delayed diagnosis of autism is often due to lack of access to information, the healthcare system, and parents’ emotional or financial difficulties.

Aside from that, Diagnostic resistance and stigma associated with neurodivergent disorders may result in some children not being screened.

Generally, Late diagnoses are linked to mild cases of autismin which people are able to lead autonomous and functional lives.

Often, These individuals are able to “cloak” their condition. and seek help only when someone is questioning aspects of their social behavior.

What signs indicate autism?

Typical symptoms of autism in adults are:

  • difficulty recognizing emotions;
  • challenges in social interaction;
  • High sensory sensitivity;
  • Mental rigidity and difficulty understanding social cues;
  • Autistic adults often have trouble socializing and interpreting nonverbal communication;
  • hyperfocus at work;
  • aversion to changes in routine;
  • Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as loud noises, are also common signs.

In addition to these symptoms and signs Autism in adults is often associated with psychological comorbiditiesas Anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD and emotional irritabilityl, as well as the physiological problems such as gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders, epilepsy and motor difficulties.

Why is the diagnosis of autism important in adults?

After diagnosis, the patient is referred to specialists who can help them overcome their limitations. Without appropriate support, these limitations can become more inflexible, resulting in a slower process of symptom improvement in adults.

In addition, the diagnosis may provide a better understanding and approach to psychiatric or neurological comorbidities.

Lack of an autism diagnosis and lack of appropriate support can lead to social and academic difficulties and often trigger other disorders such as anxiety and depression, which stem from feelings of being different or being bullied.

The diagnosis often provides relief and allows the person to better understand their difficulties in areas such as relationships and social interactions. In addition, the use of inappropriate and potentially harmful therapies is avoided.

Recognizing autism helps people get to know themselves better, understand their limitations, and connect with others who share similar experiences, thereby promoting inclusion and selfknowledge.

*With information from a report published on 11/26/2022.