Why you shouldnt pick up seashells from the beach Mysteries.webp

Why you shouldn’t pick up seashells from the beach Mysteries of the World

Modified on July 10, 2023 | 20:30

Remember those sunny days at the beach, the thrill of finding a perfectly intact shell, the joy of holding nature’s intricate work of art in your hands? While her appeal is undeniable, the reality is more serious. You might be wondering, “What’s the harm in carrying around a grenade or two?” Turns out, it’s quite a lot. That’s why you should think twice about bringing seashells home from the beach.

Shells: Are not just pretty pieces of nature

Shells are not just for decoration. These beautiful beach souvenirs play a vital role in our marine ecosystems. They provide shelter for a variety of sea creatures, from tiny hermit crabs to slippery sea slugs. Finding an empty spot is a matter of life and death for these animals.

And let’s not forget the original residents: the molluscs that painstakingly build these intricate calcium carbonate houses layer by layer. If you pick up a shell on the beach, you may leave a homeless sea creature behind.

The high price of beautiful shells

We all love the aesthetic of beautifully patterned and patterned seashells. However, our obsession also has a darker side. Many sea creatures are dying to meet the world’s need for them.

The quest for the perfect cone shell or the gleaming nautilus can lead to a harmful practice of overexploration. Not only does this lead to unnecessary deaths of these creatures, but it also upsets the delicate balance of our oceans.

A recent 2019 study shows that proprietary cartridges are still sold in large numbers, illegal dealers are rarely successfully prosecuted, and they often go abroad to be sold anywhere from the US to China.

Then there’s Amey Bansod, who saw this cruel practice firsthand in Kanyakumari, India. According to this National Geographic article, he witnessed mountains of “freshly harvested seashells—with live animals still inside” subjected to a gruesome process that included laying them out to dry in the sun and then dousing them with oil and acid.

shell on the beach

From Beaches to Erosion: The Invisible Consequences

Your walk on the sand may seem harmless, but your search for shells can have serious environmental consequences. Shellfish play an important role in maintaining our coasts. They decay over time and become part of the sand, which is effective in controlling coastal erosion. When shells are removed en masse, beaches lose this natural protection, making them more vulnerable to the destructive force of waves and weather.

Disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems

Mother Nature has an incredible talent for creating balance. Shells contribute to this intricate dance of life in more ways than we often realize. They provide vital calcium for birds and play a crucial role in the complex food webs of our oceans. By removing them, we disrupt these ecosystems, often with unforeseen side effects. In this complex web of life, every shell counts.

So what can we do?

You can still enjoy her beauty without doing any harm. Consider the lookbutdon’ttouch approach. Marvel at the shells, take photos, but leave them where they are. If you’re tempted to buy seashells, look for sustainable options or support artisans who use responsibly sourced seashells. The ocean will thank you!

In summary, while the shells may seem like harmless souvenirs, removing them from the beach has serious consequences. From housing marine life to curbing beach erosion to maintaining ecological balance, mussels play a key role in our environment. By resisting the temptation to take or buy these beautiful marine treasures, you are helping to preserve our oceans and their inhabitants. So next time you head to the beach, remember this: seashells are more than just a pretty face — they’re vital parts of our world that need to stay right where they are.


EditorinChief of Mistérios do Mundo since 2011. I like to travel, enjoy good music and read. It won the Digital Influencer Award in the Oddities category.