Cassia Kis will retire from soap operas after Travessia know

will not renew with Cássia Kis; Actress was already planning retirement

Globo will not renew a contract with Cássia Kis after the end of “Travessia”.

Like this column of syringes As early as October last year, the actress had spoken of retiring and no longer doing entire soap operas, but making herself available for participation and shorter series.

The broadcaster didn’t want that, and according to sources in this column, the decisive factor in the decision was the recent controversy in which Cássia has been involved.

When contacted, Globo said he would “not comment on speculation.”

Complaints of yelling and insults. A group of Globo employees got together to report the actress’ behavior to the Compliance Department not only during the recording of Travessia (TV Globo) but also of the series Desalma (Globoplay). Employees denounced Cássia’s screaming and abusive coworkers, including with biased comments. There were more than 10 employees who raised the complaints.

Cássia told this column in a recent interview that she sees herself in other working models than a soap opera:

“I knew my soap opera story was nearing completion, and when an invitation came and I saw it was from Glória, I thought, ‘She’s the telenovela icon. Nobody does what she does. She’s the only one who writes a proper soap opera’. Then came the decision to retire after ‘Travessia’.”

The interpreter of Cidália in the plot of nine continued:

“Am I too old to finish? No, I’m not. But I’m tired. I want to do other things and I have a chance. I want to have a different life. I’m 64 years old, I look like 90. A soap opera life takes a lot of time.”