Will Smith took a swipe at Chris Rock at the

Will Smith took a swipe at Chris Rock at the Oscars

What a moment to experience at the 2022 Oscars. Will Smith surprised the audience by hitting and pardoning the comedian Chris Rock while cracking some jokes before presenting the award Best Documentl.

during your presentation Chris Rock made a joke about it Jada Pinkett-SmithSmith’s wife said she hopes to see the sequel GI Jane. This film is about a woman who enlists in the army and shaves her hair to train like United States soldiers.

Though it seemed like a comment that was part of the ceremony, Will Smith said went on stage and hit the comedian, which actually seems to have surprised him. Then, when he returned to his seat, he immediately yelled at her, “Keep my wife’s friggin’ name out of your mouth.”

After what happened, Rock said: “Will Smith just met me live.or”, and still in doubt said: “I think we just had one of the greatest moments on TV” and presented the award.

On social networks, the moment went viral, the name of Will Smith appeared as a trend and speculation about a supposed plan of events began and thus generate more relevance.

The moment was silenced on the broadcasts and a video of Will Smith’s publicist speaking to him minutes after what happened was leaked to Twitter accounts.

Smith won the Oscar for Best Actor and apologized

After a few commercial breaks, back on the show, Chris Rock addressed the issue of what had happened on stage and smoothed things over by suggesting that they would fix everything at the post-ceremony party.

“I didn’t know this year was going to be the most exciting #Oscars ever.. Will and Chris, we’ll sort this out later as good family at the party. Now let’s move forward with love and applause.”

Later when the actor won the Oscar for best actor, Through tears, he pointed out that he defended his wife for making jokes about the illness he suffers from joked about the upcoming Academy ceremony he’s hoping to be invited to.

What disease does Jada Pinkett Smith suffer from?

Jada Pinkett-Smith suffers from a disease associated with alopecia (baldness) and was very open when speaking on the subject to explain this situation. The 50-year-old actress have an autoimmune disease of alopecia, which damages the hair follicles. Because of this, hair loss occurs.