Former ‘BBB’s Eliezer and Viih Tube were the guests of this week’s “OtaLab” and as usual opened the game with Otaviano Costa. the columnist of UOL Lucas Pasin took advantage of the couple’s presence and wanted to know if they were considering following in Jade Picon’s footsteps and investing in dramaturgy.
Viih Tube, who is trained as an actress and has already worked on a number of projects, is waiting for invitations:
I am a person who is ready for anything. Join the BBB? back now! And I never say no. You learn acting with every project. I definitely would.
Eliezer, who never dreamed of an artist career before “BBB 22”, now thinks differently:
I took part in an episode of a series and was enchanted. I left the studio and called my manager, ‘I want to do more of this!’ I thought it was wonderful [atuar]🇧🇷 I would too, but first I have to learn. I just arrived in this world.
“Eliezer is very attached to female pleasure”
Pregnant With Little Moon, Eliezer and Viih Tube recently hosted a themed reveal shower inspired by “BBB.” Ota took the cue to make a joke: “There’s no tea here, but there is revelation!” he warned, before asking, “What was the biggest revelation one made to the other?” he teased .
Viih Tube tried to keep a low profile. “I’ve been thinking of something here, but I can’t say it. My dear, I can’t say these things,” he said. “I want to know too!” said Eliezer. Ota and UOLditório put the pressure on and the influencer opened up:
In short, there was a side to Eli that I didn’t know. He is very attached to female lust. He really tries and has some hidden talents that I shouldn’t reveal!
Confused by this information, Eliezer delayed his reveal about Viih Tube. “I can’t think under pressure,” he apologized. He ended up sharing something that’s not exactly a secret — at least to those who’ve been following BBB 21. “I have to send her to bathe,” he said. “It’s been two years son! Get over it,” Viih Tube joked.
“I wanted to eat dog food”
Eliezer and Viih Tube have shared with their millions of fans the evolution of little Lua, who wasn’t even born yet but already has more than 1 million followers on Instagram.
The couple’s pregnancy was one of the main topics of conversation between Viih Tube and Eliezer on the UOL🇧🇷 Eli played the moderator and anticipated Ota: “Did you have any wishes before the pregnancy?” asked the former ‘BBB’.
Viih Tube spoke about the tastes acquired after pregnancy. “I’ve always been someone who ate everything, but I’ve never been very fond of sweets. I’m much more of a salty person,” she explained. “But I saw Eli eating candy and my mouth watered. I also started eating a lot of sweets.”
Nothing unusual so far. Business escalated when the influencer made the following revelation:
One weird thing that I really craved and made my mouth water was dog food.
Ota wanted to know if she just wanted to or if there had been a fight. “I didn’t eat it, I just smelled it,” he said. Eli denied his companion. “Yes he did! He ate a lump!”
Yas Fiorelo saw an opportunity in the revelation. “She’s already publishing. She understands the product!”
“Having sex is not our priority right now”
Though they’re concerned about their baby’s privacy, Viih Tube and Eliezer know they can’t hide everything from the public eye. And they don’t even care. On “OtaLab” Viih Tube confirmed the distancing: “We always exhibit for free,” he said. And spoke about the couple’s sex life during pregnancy.
At the beginning of the pregnancy I had a period of high libido. I think it was the hormones taking over. I didn’t even recognize myself. I spent all my time wanting and thinking. Poor thing, Eli suffered.
“I didn’t suffer anything,” Eli replied. “Do you imagine all suffering was like this?” he joked. For him, the secret of harmony between couples is always dialogue. “We’ll keep talking,” he said, Viih Tube thanked his companion for his understanding.
I am happy that Eli is a partner who can understand and respect this moment. There is no way we can pretend that this new phase is taking place in our lives. Having sex is not our priority now. I think there is a time for everything.
“But not having sex wouldn’t work either,” he added. “It solidifies our relationship as husband and wife. We always have dialogue.”
“OtaLab”, the internet show that looks like TV, airs every Tuesday at 11 am and can be followed on Splash’s YouTube channels. chirp and Facebook. Here you can see the entire program of Canal UOL.