The documentary series about the lives of Harry and Meghan continues to cause controversy among members of the British royal family. According to the Express tabloid, the new chapter about the former prince and heir apparent William was generated by including excerpts from an interview by her mother, Princess Diana, in the most recent production available to stream on the BBC in 1995.
According to The New Royals author Katie Nichool, William had requested that his mother’s lines about the end of her marriage to thenPrince Charles be removed from view. The expert claims that the future king was furious when he learned that Harry had found this material again after almost 30 years.
“It’s quite antagonistic and not right. I think the way Harry has monopolized Diana’s narrative as his own must be very damaging to William,” Katie told the tabloid.
In the series, Harry states that he used the interview excerpts because he wanted his mother’s voice and the “truth” to be heard.
The documentary links what Meghan Markle says she went through while living at the Palace with Harry, to Lady Di’s career and her experiences with other members and with the British press.
Diana’s interview was banned because it was proven that journalist Martin Bashir blackmailed her with false information into agreeing to publish her version of the divorce.
Last year, BBC directorgeneral Tim Davie said the interview would never be shown again because of the “shocking” way it was obtained.
The excerpts shown were not authorized by the TV station, but the streaming company responsible for the series defends itself by saying that it does not violate copyright and that only small parts were used.
Harry and Meghan: Watch seven shocking revelations made in a documentary series