William visits a homeless charity in Belfast as he continues

William visits a homeless charity in Belfast as he continues his UK tour for the new Homewards initiative

The Prince of Wales joked that he met royal fans for a late breakfast this morning while visiting a charity for the homeless in Belfast.

The 41-year-old King is currently on a two-day tour of the UK to celebrate the launch of his new campaign, Homewards, which aims to end homelessness.

After visiting the Mosaic Clubhouse in Lambeth yesterday, the King traveled to Northern Ireland to learn more about the work of the East Belfast Mission.

During the visit, Prince William met and took part in a panel discussion with staff from charities who have been asked to form a coalition with Homewards.

Following the tour, William took to the streets to greet the royal fans who had greeted him with great cheers upon his arrival.

The Prince of Wales appeared in high spirits this morning as he took part in a walking tour in Belfast

The Prince of Wales appeared in high spirits this morning as he took part in a walking tour in Belfast

During the tour, Royal was filmed shaking hands with an avid Royal fan who appeared to be praising the on-site charity’s Refresh Café.

He asked, “Have you ever been there to eat?”

William then replied, “There’s a roast waiting for people!” I gotta get out of there.”

After the cheeky interaction, William caused the crowd to cheer the man.

What’s more, the Queen was not fazed by a crying baby – and beamed at her mother, who had taken the lead in the crowd.

The Prince of Wales has set out to make restless sleeping, sofa surfing and other forms of temporary accommodation a “rare, brief and one-off” problem.

For his new initiative, Homewards, the King took inspiration from Finland, where the problem of homelessness has been practically eradicated.

Williams’ new five-year project will initially focus on six sites and local businesses, organizations and individuals will be encouraged to join forces and develop ‘tailor-made’ action plans to tackle homelessness with funding of up to £500,000.

Prince William was seen shaking hands with a royal fan and asking him if he had any fried food in Belfast this morning

Prince William was seen shaking hands with a royal fan and asking him if he had any fried food in Belfast this morning

Prince William was unfazed by a woman at the front of the crowd holding a crying baby

Prince William was unfazed by a woman at the front of the crowd holding a crying baby

Pictured: Prince William meets with members of the Refresh Café during a visit to the East Belfast Mission

Pictured: Prince William meets with members of the Refresh Café during a visit to the East Belfast Mission

Prince William was also particularly interested in this royal fan and his cute dog during the tour

Prince William was also particularly interested in this royal fan and his cute dog during the tour

The Prince of Wales knelt slightly during the walkabout to shake hands with a young royal fan

The Prince of Wales knelt slightly during the walkabout to shake hands with a young royal fan

The Prince of Wales visited Northern Ireland today as part of his two-day tour of the UK to promote his new Homewards initiative

The Prince of Wales visited Northern Ireland today as part of his two-day tour of the UK to promote his new Homewards initiative

Northern Ireland is the fourth of six locations in the UK that the Homewards initiative will initially focus on.

The father of three appeared in high spirits when he arrived at headquarters and shook hands warmly with a representative of the charity.

Braving the rain this morning, the Prince of Wales wore navy chinos, a light blue shirt and a cream blazer.

During the visit, Prince William met with charity workers who have been asked to form a coalition with Homewards.

The East Belfast Mission provides a wide range of support to communities across Belfast – a focus of its work is addressing the city’s growing problem of homelessness.

Pictured: Prince William meets the first members of the coalition being formed by Homewards as they lead the way together to end homelessness in Northern Ireland

Pictured: Prince William meets the first members of the coalition being formed by Homewards as they lead the way together to end homelessness in Northern Ireland

Prince William today saw members of the East Belfast Mission meet as part of his campaign to end homelessness in the UK

Prince William today saw members of the East Belfast Mission meet as part of his campaign to end homelessness in the UK

Prince William Prince William

Prince of Wales wore navy chinos, a light blue shirt and a cream blazer as he braved the rain

The Prince of Wales at the Skainos Center in Belfast as part of his tour of the UK to launch a project to end homelessness

The Prince of Wales at the Skainos Center in Belfast as part of his tour of the UK to launch a project to end homelessness

Today, Prince William learned of her ‘240’ housing project, in which the East Belfast Mission has transformed a derelict building into a community space that also includes six apartments.

Yesterday the Prince of Wales also visited Hill Street Development – which will be working with Homewards – in Newport, Wales.

The future king is increasingly involved in the cause of homelessness in the UK – his late mother, Princess Diana, first took him to visit charity The Passage.

The Prince of Wales announced his new project on Sunday: “In a modern and progressive society everyone should have a safe home, be treated with dignity and have the support they need.”

The Prince of Wales pictured on his arrival at the Hill Street Development in Newport yesterday afternoon

The Prince of Wales pictured on his arrival at the Hill Street Development in Newport yesterday afternoon

The king (pictured) took inspiration for his new initiative, called Homewards, from Finland, where the problem of homelessness has been virtually eradicated

The king (pictured) took inspiration for his new initiative, called Homewards, from Finland, where the problem of homelessness has been virtually eradicated

The Prince of Wales saw a meeting with charity workers at the Hill Street Development in Newport yesterday

The Prince of Wales saw a meeting with charity workers at the Hill Street Development in Newport yesterday

The Prince of Wales has become increasingly active on the issue of homelessness in the UK

The Prince of Wales has become increasingly active on the issue of homelessness in the UK

“With Homewards, I want to make that a reality and over the next five years give hope to people across the UK that through our working together, homelessness can be prevented.”

Ahead of the campaign’s launch, Prince William met with footballers David Duke and Tyrone Mings, firefighter Sabrina Cohen-Hatton and TV star Gail Porter – who have all experienced homelessness.

He continued, “I am fortunate to have seen firsthand the tireless work of people and organizations across the industry, the tangible impact their efforts can have, and what can be done when communities are able to focus on to focus on preventing homelessness rather than managing it.” .

“It’s a tall order, but I truly believe that by working together, it is possible to make homelessness rare, brief and unrepeatable, and I’m really looking forward to working with our six locations to make our goal a reality.” permit.”

Prince William pictured with Tyrone Mings, Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Gail Porter and David Duke - who have experienced homelessness and have pledged to support Homewards

Prince William pictured with Tyrone Mings, Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Gail Porter and David Duke – who have experienced homelessness and have pledged to support Homewards

The six selected areas, including one in London, were selected following a competitive bidding process and the initiative’s findings and results will be used to create models that can be replicated in other parts of the UK.

According to the charity Crisis, which works with Homewards, an estimated 300,000 people are currently homeless in the UK.

The charity’s chief executive, Matt Downie, cited a “severe shortage of truly affordable housing,” rising rents, rising costs of living, years of low wages and job insecurity as some of the factors contributing to the problem.

He said: “Homelessness is not inevitable as we provide services to thousands of people across the UK every year.”

“We know that in most cases it is preventable and in any case it can be stopped.”

“The best way to tackle homelessness is to prevent it in the first place.” We’ve seen it in other countries like Finland, where homelessness is all but ending, and we’ve seen it when we pursue innovative programs , which give people shelter first.

“We know that with the right decisions and by working together, we can achieve the same thing here.”

“As the number of homeless people continues to increase, innovative programs like Homewards are more necessary than ever.”

A new poll commissioned by the Royal Foundation found that one in five of the 3,473 adults surveyed in May has had a personal experience of homelessness, either directly (9%) or through family (8%) or friends (7%).