Wilma Goich quoti am in love with lovequot Big Brother

Wilma Goich: "i am in love with love" Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

As the Vipponis prepare in the bedroom for the beginning of the episode, Onestini and Murgia They question their adventure companion Wilma to the concept of love.

“I’m in love with love,” the singer replies immediately, beginning their exchange on the subject.

Wilma says that loving means many things, it means passion, transportation, but also a lot of suffering. “But then time calms everything down,” she says of her love experience. With a veil of melancholy, the singer explains that when a love affair ends, she always comes back in a different guise, perhaps even stronger than the first, giving strong sensations that make us almost forget the suffering of a past love.

“I’ve discovered that there are many kinds of love,” he says, referring to a desire to get involved and fully appreciate one’s life again. However, when it comes to men, Vippona says she is very picky and needs to experience strong emotions and mental transport to let go.

The singer ends her story by creating a beautiful union and harmony between the generations, and the VIPs thank her partner and promise to appreciate this profound sharing.