With the presence of Diaz Canel the XXX Havana International Book

With the presence of Díaz-Canel, the XXX. Havana International Book Fair opens

With the presence of Diaz Canel the XXX Havana International Book

In the presence of Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic, the XXX. Havana International Book Fair officially opened. Photo: Cubadebate/ Abel Padrón Padilla

The Morro-Cabaña Historical Complex opened its doors this Wednesday to inaugurate the Literary Festival in Cuba. In the presence of Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic, the XXX. Havana International Book Fair officially opened.

Also attending the ceremony were Deputy Prime Minister Inés María Chapman Waugh, Member of the Secretariat of the Party’s Central Committee and Head of the Ideological Department, Rogelio Polanco Sierra; the Minister of Culture of Cuba, Alpidio Alonso Grau; the Mexican Ambassador in Havana, Miguel Ignacio Díaz Reynoso, and the Minister of Culture of that country, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero.

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The historic Morro Cabaña complex opened its doors this Wednesday to kick off the Cuban Literary Festival. Photo: Cubadebate/Thalia Fuentes

The culture of Mexico could not be missing at the opening of this edition, where this country is the guest of honour. The opening gala of the FILH 2022 began to the rhythm of the song “Mexico sweet and loved”, with the voice of mariachis.

The literary event commemorates the 100th birthday of Carilda Oliver Labra and Jesús Orta Ruiz (the Naborí Indian), the 120th birthday of Nicolás Guillén and the 140th anniversary of the publication of the Ismaelillo collection of poems by José Martí and from the novel Cecilia Valdés or Loma del Ángel by Cirilo Villaverde.

Intellectuals from Mexico, South Africa, Venezuela and Brazil are taking part in the Havana International Book Fair, which will be held in several locations in Havana until April 30.

FILH 2022 will bring more than 900 editorial novelties and more than four million copies to the public. More than 80 volumes of poetry, 60 novels, 69 short stories, 10 comics and more than 200 titles of children’s and youth literature will be on display.

(News under construction)