With this new radar you can be flashed twice and

With this new radar you can be flashed twice and verbalized twice France Live

In 2019, radar flashes brought in 760 million euros for the French state. A very important number that could change in the coming years.

Indeed, after the fixed radars in France, the tower radars appeared, followed by the mobile radars embarked aboard gendarmerie cars or private drivers.

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26 anti-brake radars on Spanish roads

Other radars could see the light of day: anti-braking. In Spain they are to be set up from July, as announced by the Spanish general traffic management.

26 radars will be installed on secondary roads with a specific goal: to reduce mortality. The goal, a little more unofficially, will inevitably be to bring in money.

Because the principle of the anti-brake radar is treacherous for drivers. They are placed upstream of the fixed radars. If the motorist exceeds the speed limit while passing the mobile speed camera, if he slows down and exceeds the correct speed on the fixed speed camera, he will still be fined.

€136 and two points in France?

For drivers who don’t brake at all… they get two fines. So the grade can go up quickly. If such radars were placed in France on a road with 90 for a speed of less than 20 km/h, the motorist would blink twice, then he would receive two fines of €68 and lose two points on his driving licence.

Also read: Five speed cameras will be installed on this road, which is less than 30 kilometers long

If the fines are not paid within the following month, the increase increases to 150 euros. Sure, for those who get flashed by the two radars and take some time to pay, it could cost €300 and two points for the license.

The anti-brake radar alternative is a bit like the section radar, which forces motorists to keep to the permitted speed on a route. It’s hard to say whether these new speed cameras will arrive in France or not, but the idea of ​​being able to raise a little more money and reduce road fatalities could get the government interested in them.

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