Without the CIA the war in Ukraine would probably have

Without the CIA, the war in Ukraine would probably have been different

Intelligence chief William Burns was back in Kyiv. Its CIA not only played a key role in warning Kyiv of the invasion last year. Burns also allegedly warned Zelensky precisely about Russian assassination plots, a new book reveals.

Vienna/Kiv. The guest from Langley, Virginia, is always welcome in Ukraine: Last week, CIA chief William Burns was on a secret mission in Kyiv, as reported by the Washington Post. Burns also met Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president, it is said, trusts the head of the US foreign intelligence service: perhaps also because Burns helped save Zelensky’s life in 2022.

Because Burns rarely gives good news, but secret information. When the 66-year-old arrived in Kyiv in January last year, he is said to have personally warned Zelensky that Russian special forces were planning an assassination attempt on him. US President Joe Biden instructed Burns to inform the Ukrainian “in detail” about the project.