1673926141 Woman attacks husband at airport after finding indecent photos on

Woman attacks husband at airport after finding indecent photos on his phone; gets stuck

Woman attacks husband at airport after finding indecent photos onPhoto: Charleston Airport via Facebook

A 55yearold woman attacked her husband at the airport in Charleston, South Carolina (USA) after finding inappropriate photos on his cell phone while on vacation. In a moment of anger, the wife kicked and attacked her partner, after which she was arrested by airport police.

According to local news, the passenger, identified as Paula Barbour, was arrested on December 21 after Charleston airport police responded to a call with a report of domestic violence by terminal employees.

After police intervened to clear up the confusion, they questioned both parties to establish the facts. Police reportedly noted in their incident report: “The suspect stated that she just wanted to get away from the victim and fly home.”

For his part, the husband initially denied that his wife had kicked him, but police were able to review surveillance footage of the incident and found that she had assaulted her husband, including kicking and attempting to hit him at least twice. in his face and for throwing away his phone.

The couple were vacationing in the south of the state as part of a vacation trip. Barbour was arrested and taken to Cannon Detention Center. She was released on $5,237 bail and will face the trial at liberty.

Woman attacks husband at airport after finding indecent photos on

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